A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union
Third Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014, 10:30 am
write this poem
out of the darkness
to you
who are also in darkness
because our lives demand it.
This poem is a hand on your shoulder
a bone touch to go with you
through the hard birth of vision.
In other words, love
shapes this poem
muscle that drags marble
is the fist that holds the chisel,
and burns with the weight
of believing a face
lives in the stone
a breathing word in the body.
I tell you though the darkness
has been ours
words will give us
give our eyes, opened in promise
a growing light. —George Ella Lyon
Gathering in the Room
Welcome & Announcements
* Call to Worship
One: We have traveled long ways to come here; from many places both geographic and spiritual; from youth to age, from Lent to Easter, from death to life.
All: Now we gather in God’s name on the road.
One: On the journey we have rehearsed the hard power of despair, seen too often how fear scatters our hearts.
All: Now Christ is made known to us in broken bread and we sing a different song.
One: We have been running away, but now we are springing forward, finding our voices, knowing God’s hope.
All: Now we shout about good news; Now we sing Alleluia!
* Hymn #308 Black At the Font We Start Our Journey Westminster Abbey
* Prayer of Affirmation and Easter Faith #863 Black
* Passing the Peace of Jesus Christ
All who come to this sanctuary are welcome companions on this day! You are invited to turn to those nearest you and greet them with words of peace and joy.
Breathing in The Living Word
Anthem “Sing Alleluia” Gordon Young
Union Church Choir
Sing alleluia! Praise the Lord in heaven above!
Children’s Moment
As the children return to their seats, we sing:
Gospel Lesson Luke 24:13-35
Sermon Spring Forward Rev. Kent Gilbert
Sharing The Gifts of Love
Our gifts help sustain this particular community of caring by sustaining the building, pastors and staff, and all the materials that make our ministry of healing, justice, and teaching available to all in need. In addition, a good portion of our contributions flows out to aid to those in need via many external agencies.
This can now be done online! or by text to 859-448-3403 (Example: Text “$50.00 Offering” to contribute to the ongoing ministries, or add “youth,” or “missions” or designation of your choice to benefit one in particular.) Your contribution is love made visible. Thank you!
Offertory Rondeau Jean-Joseph Mouret
* Doxology Avery/Marsh
Connecting the Dots and Praying it Forward
* Invitation to Communion
One: Christ is risen!
All: He is risen indeed!
One: Lift up your hearts.
All: We lift them up to God.
One: Let us give thanks to God.
All: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
* Communion Hymn #343 Black Jesus Took Bread New Hope
Ringing of the Peace Bell
The Union Church Peace Bell was created by Jeff Enge in honor of Union Church member Carl Eschbach (1904-1998). A twin bell hangs in Berea’s sister province in Japan and is also rung in the hope of peace for all nations.
Silent Prayer Prayers of the Community
Communion Prayer
One: When we do not understand, we gather by this table.
When mystery stretches ever wider, we break bread.
When the wonder is more than our souls can hold, we share the cup.
In resurrection, there is no other place to gather,
other than where heaven and earth tangle, where your hand holds our world,
and love erupts with laughter in the dawn. And so with your people everywhere we proclaim with joy:
Communion Sanctus Please Join in singing
Communion Prayer, con’t.
One: One the day of his resurrection, Jesus appeared to two disciples on the Emmaus road but they did not recognize him. Later, at table, he took bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to them.
One: Their eyes were opened and they recognized him.
One: Take this bread, risen Savior, and fill it with the story of empty tombs and rising joy.
One: Take this cup, living Christ and let it echo with the whisper of hope and justice.
One: Take this table, risen Savior, and let it be the place where all may truly taste and truly see.
All: Take this community, God of life, and infuse it with a fresh spirit unsealed, unbound, untied, able to spring into the dawn, and cry with the news, that today, this day, broken bread and shared cup taste of abundant life!
Serving One Another
All who seek the love of God are welcome at this table and are invited to freely receive from it. We will share the elements today by intinction, dipping the bread in the cup. When invited please come to one of the stations by exiting your pew to the left and returning by the right. If it is not convenient to come forward, the elements can be brought to your seat by signaling to the usher.
Communion Music Ave Verum Corpus W.A. Mozart
Blessing for Those Who Will Receive at Home
Members who have been designated to carry communion to those who could not be with us this morning are invited forward at this time. The bread and juice from our meal will go with our blessing and prayers for our continued unity in the Spirit. If you would like serve by taking communion to others, you are very welcome to do so and are invited to volunteer.
Prayer of Thanksgiving
All: Holy One, by this meal the Risen Christ stands among us and proclaims life with life. With mystery and relentless love you set our spirit’s aglow. Send us from this table back to our lives, strengthening our hope, and kindling our love that we may serve the Lord with joy. Amen!
Going Forth
* Closing Hymn #243 Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven Weisse Flaggen
* Benediction
One: Jesus walks with us on our journey.
All: We will go with him wherever the road takes us.
One: Jesus has opened our eyes.
All: We will go to serve everyone we see.
Postlude Toccata David H. Hegarty
* Please rise in body or in spirit
Especially in our prayers …
Each week we join millions of Christians who pray for one another through the ecumenical prayer cycle and, locally, the Berea Ministerial Association’s prayer cycle. Let us hold the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia and our brothers and sisters at New Liberty Baptist Church in your hearts, and pray for them.
Please also hold these concerns in your prayers, today and throughout the week:
* Berea College graduates and their families—and the many faculty, staff and friends who have supported them. Union Church family grads are Duncan Blount, Ethan Hamblin, Helena Pett, Matt Walker, & AnnaKate McWhorter
* Those in harm’s way in the service of our country and all those who wait and worry for them.
* John and JoAnn Hayden, Rob and the family, at Rob’s father’s death
* Peggy Coyne’s daughter’s future mother-in-law, Jan Dailey-Hosp, awaiting a lung transplant
* Mary Robert Garrett, Andrew and family at the birth of Ella Valentine, on April 22
* Steve Bolster, and the whole family, at his brother, Greg’s death
* Michelle Tooley, with recurrence of melanoma
* Our church family members recovering at home and in nursing homes: Rose Brandenburg, Naomi Brandenburg, Jerry Cooper, Edith Hansen, Klara Welsh, Bernice Robertson, Nancy Jones, Mary Miller
* Marlene Payne’s niece, Sarah, her daughter, Reldy, and grand daughter, Lola
* Barbara Frederiksen, recovering from emergency surgery
* Virginia Piland, who has relocated. Her new address: Belmont Village Assisted Living, 500 McHenry Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL, 60089
Interested in Knowing More About Union Church? New members are received every Second Sunday of the month—next week, May 11, this month. Every Fourth Sunday of the Month anyone wanting to know more about Union Church or wanting to explore church membership, as well as new members who have not been able to participate in a previous meeting, are invited to come to the classroom two doors past the church office immediately following worship for conversation with the Pastors and the Community Life and Growth Board. YOU are welcome here!
Donate ONLINE or by TEXT, Now or Anytime! For online giving, Union Church uses EasyTithe, a completely secure contribution system. You can use Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express Credit and Debit Cards, or an E-Check from your checking account. Scan the code here to go right to the website on your smartphone, or visit www.union-church.org and click on the Donate button for instructions. You do not need to register to make a donation (just choose “Quick Give” ). If you do register, your information will be securely stored making future visits faster and giving you full control of your giving reports. Credit card processing does cost the church about 3.1% of your transaction. ACH (E-Checks) only incur a 1% fee. Please use whichever is best for you, but if you can, consider adding a little additional to help cover the bank fee!
Give By Texting 859-448-3403: Yes! You can give using your web-enabled phone. Text any amount to 859-448-3403. The first time you do–and just the first time–you’ll get a link to associate your phone and enter your securely stored credit or debit card. It doesn’t go on your phone bill, but only to a card you specify. After that, all you need to do is text the number with an amount and any designation. It’s fast and easy! Of course, like every credit card transaction the church pays a 3.1% fee. If you can include that little extra bit, it will make a big difference!
Examples: Text “$50.00” to contribute to today’s offering. Text “$200.00 Capital Campaign” to contribute to a building pledge, or substitute the designation of your choice (youth, missions, BFCO, etc. Amounts texted without a designation will automatically go to the Annual Ministry Budget and all giving will be included in your annual giving records.
Two more opportunities to share food & fellowship before a summer break! Wednesday Nite Live May 7: Participants in the various Lenten offerings will share about their experiences. May 14: Grand Finale Cook-out on the lawn!
It’s almost time for Vacation Bible School, “Living Waters for the World,” June 8-11! Vacation Bible School will be held the evenings of June 8-11 for those in pre-school – grade 5 and there’s also an adult class. Youth can volunteer to help with younger kids or join the adults. We will continue with a theme that has arisen this year – how we understand the gift of water in our faith with a mission focus on the world water crisis. We need lots of people to make this a special event for our young people – cooks, musicians, shepherds, storytellers…to volunteer, contact Pastor Rachel!
Wanted! Interested members to help manage Gift Card Program…The Church Finance Board is looking for individuals who would be interested in helping administer a new revenue stream for Union Church. We will be making gift cards available for over 400 local and national retailers, including groceries, hardware, online retailers, gas stations and restaurants. For each card the church will receive between 4%-12% of the purchase. Volunteers are needed to help plan, fulfil orders from members, and work with the online “back end.” Our research suggests that without any member spending anything more, the church could realize up to $10,000 in corporate donations. A team of 3-4 would be ideal. Please contact Dave Kobersmith if you are interested.
Congregational Meeting set. Union Church’s meeting to consider budget issues has been set for May 21, 7:00 pm. Childcare and transportation will be provided.
Union Church is proud to host and sponsor a once-in-a-lifetime concert honoring world-renowned singer-songwriter Jean Ritchie. National folk icons Kathy Mattea, John McCutcheon and Susie Glaze will perform songs in honor of more than 75 years of Jean Ritchie’s contributions to American Folk music, and previewing the release of a special new album by these and other major artists celebrating her work. May 23, 7:30 pm. General Admission is $25, VIP tix are $75 (with signed CD, orchestra seating and after-party with performers). Tickets sold online only, visit Union Church’s website and follow the links!
Mary Miller is back in Berea! She is at The Terrace, in Room 305. Mary led Childrens Church for many years, and is one of the wonderful women for whom our Choir Rom is named!
Would you like a kitten? Melissa & Susan Doring Zook have a year-old kitten they need to re-home—she’s spayed, declawed, up-to-date on shots and good around kids and dogs. She sits for treats, loves to be petted and is the best cat around. Only problem — she gets out the doggie door—so if you don’t have one, she may well be a good buddy for you! Call Susan at 859-358-5611
Needed: 80 dozen cookies! Jeff From coordinates a program called the Horizon Prison Initiative in London Ohio, at the London Correctional Institution. Horizon is an interfaith behavioral modification program, which helps inmates to develop communication skills, conflict resolution skills, self-reflection skills, and understanding of trauma. The men in the Horizon program mentor each other; in addition, every Tuesday men from outside the prison (Outside Brothers) come in and mentor the Horizon participants. The ten-month program year is ending, and the Outside Brothers want to celebrate the Horizon participants who are graduating from the program. They need 80 dozen cookies for the celebration. As you might imagine, home baked cookies are a big deal for people in prison. If you would like to help by making cookies, please contact Jeff From at jeff.from@gmail.com. The cookies need to be delivered to church on May 11. Learn more about Horizon at www.horizonprisoninitiative.org
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