A Service of Holy Communion & Tenebrae The Church of Christ, Union
7:00 pm Service of Foot and Hand Washing
Jesus taught that leadership begins with service. The act of washing the feet of guests after a journey was usually the work of slaves, but Jesus insisted on washing the feet of his disciples on the night before he was betrayed. It was an act intended to honor and welcome those who serve. Either hands or feet will be washed with warm water scented with oil, then dried with fresh towels. Please take a seat on the front pews at one of the stations, removing footwear if you wish.
Greeting and Invitation
One: On this night we remember the events that led up to Jesus’ betrayal, desertion and death. We recall his pain and anguish as he prepared to meet the con-sequences of his faithfulness to God’s way. Through the Passover meal he shared with his friends, this night is different from all other nights, for in it we remember the cost of the love Jesus had for us. Let us enter the story and allow mystery to surround us. But let us keep silence when we have heard it and the service is over.
Stay to pray as long as you wish, in the darkness and silence of this holy night. Then go to keep the story in your heart. For, like the disciples in that first Holy Week, we fail to follow the light, we pretend we don’t know God, and we too deny all that Jesus teaches. The world suffers and we do not respond.
One: Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”
All: For God sent his child Jesus into the world not to condemn but that the world might be healed through him.
One: This is the week of darkness.
All: This is the time of trial, the day of betrayal.
One: The light was too bright; the message too challenging.
All: And this is the judgement: that the light has come into the world, and the people loved darkness more.
Handbell Prelude Before the Dawn Union Church Handbell Ensemble
First Reading: “She Has Anointed My Body for Burial”
Mark 14:1-11
Singing Together Said Judas to Mary Judas and Mary
1. Said Judas to Mary, “Now what will you do with your ointment so rich and so rare?”
“I’ll pour it all over the feet of the Lord and I’ll wipe it away with my hair,” she said, “I’ll wipe it away with my hair.”
2. “Oh Mary, Oh Mary, oh think of the poor—This ointment, it could have been sold, and think of the blankets and think of the bread you could buy with the silver and gold,” he said, “You could buy with the silver and gold.”
3. “Tomorrow, tomorrow I’ll think of the poor, Tomorrow,” she said, “not today;
For dearer than all of the poor in the world Is my love who is going away,” she said,
“My love who is going away.”
4. Said Jesus to Mary, “Your love is so deep Today you may do as you will.
Tomorrow you say I am going away, But my body I leave with you still,” he said,
“My body I leave with you still.”
5. “The poor of the world are my body,” he said, “to the end of the world they shall be,
The bread and the blankets you give to the poor You’ll know you have given to me,” he said,
“You’ll know you have given to me.”
6. “My body will hang on the cross of the world Tomorrow,” he said, “not today,
And Martha and Mary will find me again And wash all the sorrow away,” he said,
“And wash all the sorrow away.”
Second Reading
Mark 14:12-21
Singing Together The Time Was Early Evening Salley Gardens
1. The time was early evening, the place a room upstairs; the guests were the disciples, few in number and few in prayers.
Refrain: Oh, the food comes from the baker; the drink comes from the vine; The words come from the Savior,“I will meet you in bread and wine.”
2. The company of Jesus had met to share a meal; the One who made them welcome had much more to reveal. Refrain
3. “The bread and body broken, the wine and blood outpoured, the cross and kitchen table are one by my sign and word.” Refrain
4. Christ Jesus, now among us, confirm our faith’s intent, as, with your words and actions, we unite in this sacrament. Refrain
Third Reading: “He took Bread, & Blessed & Broke It”
Mark 14:22-25
Invitation to Holy Communion
Musical Meditation Sharing the Paschal Bread Union Church Orchestra
Mark 14:26-31
Fourth Reading: My Betrayer Is at Hand
Mark 14:32-42
Choir Anthem I Choose Love arr. Mary McDonald Union Church Choir
Fifth Reading: The One I Shall Kiss Is the Man
Mark 14:43-52
Musical Meditation When I Survey/Were You There Medley Union Church Orchestra
Sixth Reading: “Many Gave False Testimony”
Mark 14:53-65
Musical Meditation Pie Jesu Union Church Orchestra
Seventh Reading: I Do Not Know This Man
Mark 14:66-72
Stripping of the Sanctuary
As Jesus was denied by his followers, we remove the finery and trappings of our sanctuary. We remove or cover all symbols of Christ’s presence and proclamation including the table, the Peace Bell, and even the pulpit where “good news” is proclaimed. These are covered to symbolize the darkness of the world and the death of Jesus.
Singing Together O God, How We Have Wandered Passion Chorale
1. O God, how we have wandered and hidden from your face; In foolishness have squandered your legacy of grace.But how, in exile dwelling, we turn with fear and shame, As distant but compelling, you call us each by name.
2. And now at length discerning the evil that we do, By faith we are returning with hope and trust in you. In haste you come to meet us, and home rejoicing bring, In gladness there to greet us with calf and robe and ring.
3. O God of all the living, both banished and restored, compassionate, forgiving, our peace and hope assured. Grant now that our transgressing, our faithlessness may cease. Stretch out your hand in blessing, in pardon, and in peace.
Eighth Reading: “Jesus Before Pilate”
Mark 15:1-5
Musical Meditation My Peace I Leave with You Taize
When invited, please join in singing:

Ninth Reading: “Crucify Him”
Mark 15:6-15
Choir Anthem Come Now O God of Second Chances Union Church Choir
Tenth Reading: “Come Down from the Cross”
Mark 15:16-32
Musical Meditation How Long, O Lord Iona Community Maranda Weckman, soloist
Silent Meditation
Eleventh Reading: “Eloi, Eloi, Lema Sabachthani?”
Mark 15:33-39
Tenebrae: Extinguishing the Light
As the 12 candles are extinguished, we name the shadows in our life: the places where darkness has entered; where violence has prevailed in our world; where integrity has been disrespected; where death seems to triumph over life.
Twelfth Reading: “They Saw Where the Body was Laid”
Mark 15:40-47
Musical Meditation Were You There? Trad. Dr. Stephen Bolster
The Candle of Hope Carried Forth
Leaving, Waiting, Watching
Silence and Darkness
Those who wish may remain to pray. Tomorrow the church will be locked and remain unlit. We depart to our homes to pray for the light.
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