April 2 Empty Bowls event at Woods-Penn, or participate here – see p. 14
April 13 Palm Sunday, One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
April 17 Maundy Thursday, evening service
April 20 Easter Sunday – egg hunt before worship! Watch for details
10:30 am – Celebration of the Resurrection!
Rev. Kent to return next Sunday, April 6. We will bid farewell to Rev. Christina Ryan Perkins, our Sabbatical Pastor, with great thanks; and welcome Rev. Kent back after his sabbatical time of renewal!
About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week.
Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side.
In the midst of his distress, the persona in Psalm 86 petitions God, “Bring joy to Your servant’s heart, for to You, my Lord, I lift up my soul.” We’ll sing this psalm, for this fourth week of Lent, and the Taizé In God Alone, as well.
Cantor: Robert Rorrer; Instrumentalists: Lisa Vaughn, Charles Hoffman, Robert Rorrer
Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options (other needs can be accommodated on request!). Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neighbors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
April 2 Menu:
· Pulled Pork
· Black Bean Burgers
· Coleslaw
· Baked Beans – Vegetarian
· Cinnamon Cake
April 2: Empty Bowls at Woods Penn on Berea College’s Campus. A simple meal of soup is served in a Berea College-made bowl, $15. OR participate here at Union by coming to Open Table and purchasing a bowl for $15 and eating supper here.

Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options. Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neighbors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
Help Needed – organizing donated treasures Help is needed organizing the numerous donated items that have been haphazardly stored for sale. Tennant Kirk will be arriving early for dinner on Wednesday nights April 2 an 9 to make sense of the chaos. Please contact her (859-200-0179 or tykirk53@gmail.com)
if you are available to help. Mission and Service Board invites suggestions for successful ways to turn these donated treasures into cash for our charitable giving.
Extreme Weather Preparedness 101
April 12, 11-noon
All are invited to a 1-hour workshop and receive a bag to make your “Go Bag”
Where? Madison County Public Library – Berea Branch Meeting Room
Sponsored by First Christian Church, Berea, KY PREP (Preparedness & Response Empowers People) Team
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