Lent Meditative Word-a-Day Calendar Rachael White has created this calendar for our Lent practice. Everyone is invited to use the day’s word as inspiration for photography, art, poetry — whatever medium you choose!
You’re invited to make comments, upload images, or write poetic reflections using our daily meditative word (tag it like so: #xxxx) and the hashtag #UCLent2025 as we journey together through Lent. Rachael will make the invitation daily on the church’s Facebook page.

Rev. Christina Ryan Perkins, our Sabbatical Pastor. plans to be in the office Monday -Thursday. Meetings available by appointment. Call the office, 859-986-3725, her cell, 859-544-7277 or email revcmrp@union-church.org
About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week.
Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side.
About tonight’s compline, from David Duffee: “If I were to choose a companion verse for Micah’s act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God, it might be, from Psalm 27, ‘Hope in the Lord; be strong and of good courage.’ We’ll sing that verse this Sunday and reprise our Taizé chant, In God Alone.” Cantor: David Duffee. Instrumentalists: Susie Ritchie, Stanley Kramer
Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options. Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neighbors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
March 19 Menu:
· Irish Stew
· Vegetarian “Shepherds Pie”
· Soda Bread
· Chocolate Caramel Shortbread Bars
· Mint Chocolate Ice Cream
March 20 – Berea4Palestine is hosting an Evening for Palestine on Thurs, March 20th from 6 to 8pm in the Community Room. We will share a potluck style dinner, screen a sneak preview of a forthcoming film titled “Severed,” work on our divestment quilt together, and share an open mic space in solidarity with Palestine. Feel free to bring a poem, song, or short written piece to share!
“Severed” tells the story of Mohamad Saleh from Gaza. 18 years old, Mohamad has lived through five major assaults on the Gaza Strip, losing his home, family members, his best friends, and (at the age of 12) his leg. Now in exile in Egypt, Mohamad struggles to put together the shattered pieces of his life. Through the eyes of one teenager, the pain and trauma endured by thousands in Gaza is laid bare—along with remarkable strength, resilience and determination to live.

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