Coming Up
June 23 – Come on out to the side yard for lemonade and some fellowship after the service!
Lemonade right after Worship!
3-7 at the Skate Park, 400 N. Broadway – Juneteenth Musicale
June 25 – 1:30 pm, Memory Café, Community Room. Watch for info
June 30 – Save-the-Date! 6-8 pm, Rev. Kent & Diana’s place, 298 Harrison Rd.
July 13 – Memorial Service for Sally Zimmerman
July 31 – Pool Party! 7-9 at the City Pool
Aug. 7 – Back to School Bash & School Supply Giveaway
Aug. 20 – Open Table returns after the summer break!
Save the date: June 30th Midsummer Picnic At Rev. Kent and Diana’s house! Join us for food and a summer May Pole!
Our friends/partners doing good work at UP Initiative of Madison County need some help so THEY can help our unhoused neighbors: non perishable soft foods (i.e. individual serving–ravioli, soups, canned meat/fish, soft crackers, nuts, fruit juices/milks, puddings, energy or granola bars etc.) with a pop top or easy to open. Also, toiletries (including feminine needs) and sleeping bags, tarps, backpacks, tents, rain ponchos are really needed!
Bins for donations are available near the “ramp” door and down in the Community Room OR if you’re out & about, you can drop off items from 3-6 p.m. on Tuesdays & Thursdays and 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on Saturdays. You can also donate via PayPal at or mail checks to 292 Glades Road, Suite 7, Berea, KY 40403.
**People can also contact Dr. Pam Chabora for more info regarding physical and financial donations for UP at (701) 430-1439 cell [texting is BEST!]

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