Coming Up
Today, June 2 – 1-5 – Mission Trip to Recovering Joy Arts & Nature Center
1:30 – ShapeNote Singers, Parlor
June 3-June 14 – Berea Arts Council to use the Community Room for summer Arts Camp! (not June 11, Blood Drive)
June 5 – 6:30, Theology in the Round in the Clasroom
June 10 – 13 – Joan English, Office Admin, on vacation
June 14 – 16 – Berea College Summer Reunion
June 11 – Blood Drive, Community Rm
July 31 – Pool Party! 7-9 at the City Pool
Announcing a Mission Trip! TODAY The Mission & Service Board will host a day trip on Sunday, June 2 to the Recovering Joy Arts and Nature Center. The center, located near Somerset, is one of the service programs supported by Union Church contributions. Cars will depart from Union Church at 1:00 pm and anticipate returning about 5:00 pm.
From the mission statement: “The mission of the Recovering Joy Arts and Nature Center is to nurture a deepened experience of life for those who come to Samara Fields sheep farm by modeling circular, sustainable economies, and providing opportunities to make art and create community with other people and the other-than-human world… Our model demonstrates that the means and processes of sustainable living are at hand within the woods and fields of this region, and revitalizes a strength of the Appalachian culture to ‘make do’ in transformative ways.
The projects title for the year is Caringly, Carefully Crafting. Themes for all projects are earth-centered. Our aim is to cultivate work that transforms values, knowledge and exploration into well-crafted outcomes. A cottage industry collective that includes artists who select themselves into the work, community members and graduates of Sky Hope is our long-term goal.”
Theology in the Round continues – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays: Come Explore and Share! Rev. Jeff Pool and Rev. Kent guide this discussion of all things “God” and how we think, live, love, and shape our actions in relationship to what we experience of the divine. Wide ranging topics and no experience needed! Come join Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Office Classroom.
Work wanted!! Opal Bailey, age 14, is seeking summer work in pet sitting and house sitting. She is available in July and August and can be reached at 859-353-2211. References available.
Our friends/partners doing good work at UP Initiative of Madison County need some help so THEY can help our unhoused neighbors: non perishable
soft foods (i.e. individual serving–ravioli, soups, canned meat/fish, soft crackers, nuts, fruit juices/milks, puddings, energy or granola bars etc.) with a pop top or easy to open. Also, toiletries (including feminine needs) and sleeping bags, tarps, backpacks, tents, rain ponchos are really needed!
Bins for donations are available near the “ramp” door and down in the Community Room OR if you’re out & about, you can drop off items from 3-6 p.m. on Tuesdays & Thursdays and 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on Saturdays. You can also donate via PayPal at or mail checks to 292 Glades Road, Suite 7, Berea, KY 40403.
**People can also contact Dr. Pam Chabora for more info regarding physical and financial donations for UP at (701) 430-1439 cell [texting is BEST!]

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