Coming Up
Today, July 14 – 2-4 pm, UP Initiative, 292 Glades Rd. Ste. 7, Worship Service and meal for our unhoused neighbors – hosted by Union!
July 16 – 11-5, Blood Drive. Community Room
July 17 – 4:00 pm, Psalm Study; 6:30 pm, Theology in the Round
July 23 – 1:30 pm, Memory Café, Community Room
July 27 – 10-12, Parlor. The Old Time Music Jam comes back to Union Church 2nd & 4th Sundays!!
July 31 – 7-9 pm, Pool Party at the City Pool!
Aug. 4 – 3:00 pm, Congregational Meeting, Community Room & Zoom
Aug. 7 – Back to School Bash & School Supply Giveaway
Aug. 21 – Wednesday Open Table returns after the summer break!
As you go down to the Community Room, take a look at the downstairs art gallery!! Ally Nurre is sharing her lovely paintings.
Artist’s Statement: “Please enjoy sharing my painting efforts during retirement. They are painted from photos which have been meaningful to me, from the Shepherd and Young Shepherdess met down an English Lane, to a Welsh Bakery much frequented but since closed, to visits to the Orkney Islands where my elder sister lives, to the Isle of Anglesey where my UK family still get together. My paintings, these days, record my immediate environment in the Red Lick Valley outside of Berea and beyond in Kentucky.”
Rev. Kent on vacation July 14-27. Church member Peter Haik will preach next Sunday.
July 17! Theology in the Round – 1st and 3rd Wednesdays: Come Explore and Share! Rev. Jeff Pool and Rev. Kent guide this discussion of all things “God” and how we think, live, love, and shape our actions in relationship to what we experience of the divine. Wide ranging topics and no experience needed! Come join Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Office Classroom.
Berea Learnshop with Jeff Hutton – 100 Things to See in the Night Sky July 22 & 23 at the Berea College Planetarium. More info, inc. registration, at
Choir news!! Union Church will pair with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lexington for a choir collaboration.
On July 28th we will sing at the UUCL in the morning, and on August 11 we will sing here at Union with their choir. We will just sing two pieces, so if you’ve never sung with the choir, this is your chance!
If you are interested in singing for this one-time event (or two), please see Bernardo after the service contact him (text 601-630 5041) or email
7/26 Rehearsal in Lexington
7/27 Rehearsal at Union Church
7/28 Service in Lexington
8/11 Service at Union Church

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