We are always seeking awesome people–and we can tell you are one!
No matter how you have heard of Union Church Berea, we are delighted you are here! We would be thrilled if you wanted to join the family. If you live nearby, come to some services and see what you think. Everyone is welcome (love demands that kind of hospitality), and you may attend as often as you like without being a member, and be as involved as you wish to be.
However, you may find yourself wanting to join the family in a more official way. If you ever want to know more about becoming a member, there are lots of ways to do that. You are taking the first step right now, just by surfing around our website. You may also call the church office at 859-986-3725 and ask to talk to the pastor in more detail.
Union Church has three types of membership:

- Full Membership, with the privileges of voting and holding office, is granted upon public affirmation of Union Church’s Fellowship Principles: “Union Church welcomes all followers of Christ and works with all who workwith Him;respecting each person’s conscience; working by love,endeavoring tokeep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace,” letter of transfer from another Christian church, reaffirmation of faith when no letter of transfer is available, or presentation of evidence of clergy status. When called for, the mode of baptism shall be that requested by the person seeking membership or the parents, if a child is presented for baptism.
- Clergy Membership is granted to an ordained or licensed pastor who wishes to retain membership in another church body and who presents evidence of clergy status.
- Associate Membership is granted to those who wish to unite with Union Church, while retaining membership elsewhere. An associate member does not normally vote or hold office in the church; however, these privileges may be granted by the Church Council upon written request by the associate member.
If you are not nearby, don’t despair. Many, many people have told us they have not found a church like ours where they are (which we think is really sad). Love demands open, welcoming churches like ours! You can still be involved, join in our work with Christ and the beloved, world-wide community!

Union Church has a unique ministry that is shared all over the world. Even before 2020, the infamous year of the Covid-19 pandemic, our church services were streamed online from our website and our YouTube channel. We had viewers then from many states and several countries. Once the pandemic took hold, there was one positive result: it made us learn to enlarge and deepen our online footprint in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Now, you can still watch services, either live or later, on those same sites as well as on Facebook –use this link. If you choose to watch on the website, you will be able to check in by entering your name and any contact info you want us to have, but if you watch on Facebook or YouTube (especially live, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time), you can also put in comments, likes, shares, prayer requests, and read others’ comments and requests as well. It’s the next best thing to being together in person!
The fact is, in this new world, you could even be a member of a board, committee, or team from anywhere in the world, if you could commit to attending meetings digitally, and if the task they are tackling is something you can do from where you are.