Coming Up!
Today – 1:30 pm; ShapeNote Singers, Parlor—all welcome!
Jan. 20 Office Closed in Observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
Jan. 21 Blood Drive, Community Room, 11-5, Community Room
Jan. 22 5:30 pm, Open Table FREE meal for all!
Jan. 25 Old Time Music Jam, 10-12, Parlor
“Many thanks for all the well-wishes on my birthday and many MANY thanks for those who made a contribution to Samuel’s Kids orphanage in Uganda. I am humbled and honored to be celebrated with such love. What auspicious and generous company to enter this new decade!” ~Rev. Kent
New Members Welcomed today! As a family of faith committed to boldly & creatively embodying the life and ministry of Jesus, we would like to join with YOU. We’d like to be a context and inspiration for your own spiritual path, and work with you to make your heart, your world, your life more peace-filled and joy-full.
At Worship today, there will be an opportunity to covenant together — whether you are a member of the community who worships online, in-person, or both! No prior action on your part is required, but if you have any questions at all, we’d like to help. Working together, we want to make God’s love visible & real to all!
Next Sunday: Welcome to Rev. Christina Ryan Perkins, Sabbatical Pastor (Feb-Mar). January 26 will be Rev. Kent’s last Sunday before taking a two month time of reflection, prayer, and renewal. The service will include a blessing from us for his time apart, and a welcome to the sabbatical pastor who will lead and guide us with her very special gifts as we undertake our own work for renewal. Please join us for a very special service and the chance to bid Rev. Kent “Godspeed!”
About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week.
Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side.
Worship Board is looking for new members! This is a great opportunity to step closer to our church family and the worship experience. The worship board meets once monthly via zoom. Members take turns greeting folks before Sunday morning service; the team also organizes and supports worship leaders and invites people to get involved in various roles (offertory, greeter, worship leader) that make Sunday mornings smoother for Rev. Kent. This service position is a way to give back while getting to know your church family in a deeper way. If this sounds like a good fit for you, please contact Laura Nagle (joyfulsunflower or text / call 859-358-0106) or Diane Bailey (diane51bailey or 859-302-1306).
Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options (other needs can be accommodated on request!). Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neighbors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
Jan. 22 Menu
- Beef Pot Roast Stew
- Vegetable Roast Stew
- Rolls with Butter
- Gingerbread Cake with Whipped Cream
- GF Churro Chips
Jan. 23, Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation, Berea College
Berea Old Time Music Jam Saturday, Jan. 25, 10-noon (we meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month). Our jam location during the Fall and Winter months will the “The Parlor” in the rear of Union Church.
All interested folk are welcome to come by and play old time music, dance, and/or sing. Or come by to just listen is always an option. This is a free and open acoustic jam with all musical levels are invited and included. All are welcome.
The Berea Old Time Music Circle would like to thank our sponsors, Berea Farmers Market, Union Church of Berea, KY, and The Folk Circle Association of Berea, KY for always supporting our efforts. We would not be able to meet if not for their constant support and encouragement.
Jan. 25 “An Evening of Togetherness” With anticipation for Black History Month, the Richmond-Madison County NAACP – in collaboration with the Richmond Area Arts Council – will present “An Evening of Togetherness.” This concert, Saturday, January 25, at 7 p.m. in the Main Auditorium of the EKU Center for the Arts, offers a dynamic showcase of local talent and cultural celebration.
Tickets are $25 :
The concert promises an impressive lineup of performances from a variety of artists and groups. Highlights include captivating acts from La’Shelle Allen, Dr. Kathy Bullock, and Angelina Huguely. Also, talents include Kor’ee Jackson, Wyatt McCarty, and Dr. Keith McCutchen.
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