Coming Up!
Feb. 18, 11-4 Blood Drive, Community Room
Feb. 22, 9 am, Qigong. Joan Moore will lead, meet in Cowan Chapel
7 pm, Second-Tuesday Book Club meets, Conference Rm.—rescheduled due to last week’s bad weather
March 5, 7 pm, Ash Wednesday Service in Cowan Chapel (also livestreamed)
March 16 Annual Meeting, after Worship and Lunch (time tbd)
March 19 The RETURN of the Missing Goats (Irish band from Oak Ridge, TN, of which Chip Bailey is a member) to play at Open Table!

Welcome to Rev. Christina Ryan Perkins! Rev. Christina plans to be in the office Monday -Thursday. Meetings available by appointment. Call the office, 859-986-3725, her cell, 859-544-7277 (pls note new number) or email
Take a look at the back corner of the sanctuary, where Jennifer Elam has hung new art! The themes relate to dealing with grief/trauma/fears, as we are all facing now, co-creatively, with the divine and each other. We can rise, and do this together!
About Sunday Compline Service: The Sabbath Compline at 6:30 pm in Cowan Chapel is a night prayer of psalm, silence, and song — a creative hush with God at the end of the day at the beginning of the week.
Cowan Chapel is adjacent to Union Church on the Scaffold Cane Rd. side.
Community Meals Every Wednesday 5:30pm-6:30pm: “Open Table” is a “pay what you can” ($0-$$) catered meal open to anyone. Chef Deb Beishline and a wonderful crew of volunteers prepare the menu each week always with GF and Vegetarian-friendly options (other needs can be accommodated on request!). Our hope is to remember the gifts of connection with great food the chance to “rub elbows” with neigh-bors. The food is great, the company is better, the hungry are fed, and we pray the love Jesus will be shown!
Feb. 19 Menu:
· Chicken Parmesan
· Pasta
· Spaghetti Squash with
· Roasted Veggies
· Salad
· Bread/Butter
· Banana Pudding
Many thanks to the good folks at Bluegrass Kitchen, who are taking donations for Room in the Inn!! This week we picked up the THIRD generous box that was filled with toiletries, warm clothing and other needed items!
Dishes! Might you have left dishes, containers, platters, what have you—in the kitchen at any point after Christmas? Take a look downstairs at Coffee Hour and please pick up.
Invitation from Berea Pride:
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Place: Union Church Community Room

Summary: Next in our monthly series of community events – our Youth Meet & Greet Communi-Tea and Conversation! We’ll have light refreshments (potluck style!), tea, coffee, some group ice-breakers, and a safe space for queer youth and their trusted adults.
We’ve still got plenty of shirts and hats available. If you’d like one, contact the office to talk about sizes. If you’d like to help sell what we have left at Coffee Hour and/or Open Table, we’d be most grateful!

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