6:30 pm Sundays, Cowan Chapel, Compline
March 4 ShapeNotes, 1:30 in the Parlor
March 16, 2 pm, GraceMcKenzie’s Baby Shower at Carter G. Woodson Center, Alumni Bldg.
Union Church’s Annual Meeting is March 17, 3 pm
April 8 Eclipse Expedition!
Open Table Every Wednesday! We had more than 90 guests last week. Come join the conversation and community Every Wednesday at 5:30-6:30pm. Feb. 28 menu:
· Chili
· White bean Soup
· Cornbread
· Bread/butter
· Peach Cobbler with whipped cream
Theology in the Round: Come Explore and Share! Jeff Pool and Rev. Kent guide this discussion of all things “God” and how we think, live, love, and shape our actions in relationship to what we experience of the divine. Wide ranging topics and no experience needed! Come join Wednesdays at 6:30 in the Office Classroom.
Giving Thanks for Worship Leaders and Greeters: The Worship Board is so appreciative of all who volunteer to give voice to scripture and hands to “welcome” by being readers and greeters. If you would like to help, please sign up at coffee hour for the Sunday of your choice. All voices, ages, and experience level (or lack thereof!) are welcome. We’ll help you help the whole congregation!
Name Tags are Hospitality in Action. Name tags help us all from newcomers to old-timers. Stick on tags are always available in the vestibules and near the entrances and anyone can request a permanent one. We’ll make it and put it in the racks for next week! See a greeter or mark your pew folder sheet to get one made for you!
New Sunday Morning Book Study Sundays at 9am, conference Room: “Jesus and the Disinherited” by Howard Thurman, led by Steve Gowler. Part bible study, part liberating theology, and part loving manifesto, “Jesus and the Disinher-ited” is concise and powerful guide to faith. Written in the 1940s, its current relevance is a striking testament of Thurman’s spiritual insight. Plan to Join Dr. Steve Gowler on a journey with Thurman through Lent. Class began Feb. 18, but it’s not too late to join!!!
Meditative Words Lenten Calendar Many thanks to Rachael White for her work on this!! You’re invited to make comments, upload images, or write poetic reflections using our daily meditative word (tag it like so: #xxxx) and the hashtag #UCLent2024 as we journey together through Lent.

Lent & Easter Worship at Union Church
Sundays 10:30 am Main Sanctuary; 6:30 pm Compline in Cowan Chapel
Second Sunday of Lent Feb. 25
We Are Called to Listen
Third Sunday of Lent March3
We Are Shown the Way
Fourth Sunday of Lent March 10
God Loves First
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 17
We Are Reformed
Palm Sunday March 24
We Draw on Courage
Maundy Thursday March 28
We Are Held Together
Worship Service in the Sanctuary
Good Friday March 29
We Find Ourselves Here
Holy Saturday
Gather with Pastor Kent as we clean and prepare the sanctuary for our Easter guests. Morning time tbd
Easter Sunday March 31
The Sun Rises
9:30 am Easter Activities for kids, beginning in Cowan Chapel and moving on to the Easter Egg Hunt!
10:30 am Celebration of the Resurrection! Join to recall the joy and hope of that first Easter Morning, and to renew yourself by recalling that God’s love is not reserved in that long-ago time. This is a lovely time to invite guests, new neighbors, and any who’ve ever wondered what Union Church is about!
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