Solar Eclipse Trip!
Amateur astronomer Jeff Hutton and the Pinnacles Astronomy Club are planning to lead a group of interested persons to Indiana on April 8 to experience the Biggest Show (Above) the Earth!
We’ll leave the Union Church parking lot the morning of Monday, April 8 and be back by evening, traffic permitting. Cost will be $75 if we provide transport and $25 if you meet us at the observing site. This trip is open to everyone! Use the form at the QR code to register and pay as well. The cost includes orientation presentations planned for March 7 & 21, at 7 pm, in the Office Level Classroom.
Jeff will be offering information about this amazing event at the Forestry Outreach Center on March 1 at 7PM and March 22 at 7PM, followed by star gazing through telescopes.
On Saturday, March 30, at 2PM, Jeff will offer a “Safe Solar Viewing” workshop. We’ll have 14 safe solar projection kits available for you to keep and use on the big day. First come, first served.

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