Poinsettia time! If you don’t live locally, you can STILL help beautify the sanctuary— with poinsettias! We’ll print your dedication in the bulletin & show it onscreen. Order & dedicate at bit.ly/Poinsettias-23 or use the QR code. Please order by Wednesday at 5.
Compline Sunday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in Cowan Chapel, Union Church hosts a time of worship for everyone who yearns for a night prayer of quietness at the end of the day and the beginning of the week, a way to still your heart and mind.
Christmas Cantata to be offered at 10:30 worship service on 12-24. Would you like to join the fun? Rehearsals on Thursdays 5:30 (orchestra) 6:30 (choir) in the 3rd floor Choir Room. Needed: readers, musicians, singers, etc…. Drums, bells, anything helps make a joyful noise!
Dancers Needed—Dance in the Light on Christmas Eve, 6:00 pm! Let Carla Gilbert (carlag 3223@gmail.com) know if you’d like to join this lovely dance. Steps are NOT complicated!
Photos: Get ready to have your photo taken! Don Cardwell has offered to take photos for the Directory portion of Fellwship1Go, (the church’s data management system) at Coffee Hours! More info to come.
Christmas Card Painting Dec. 13 after Supper Come paint Christmas cards for your friends and loved ones. Paste paint with tools, crayons, markers, paper & envelopes will be provided. Art for everyone! Led by artist Jennifer Elam.

Build a Gingerbread Village Sunday, December 17, from 3 – 5 ! Union Church’s Family Programming Team is looking forward to offering this creative, fun, engaging opporunity for Parents, Children, and Youth on pm. We’ll meet in the Community Room. You’re welcome to invite all Parents with Children and teenagers you may know! We’ll build a gingerbread village, have great snacks, hot chocolate and spiced cider & MORE! Children up through high school are welcome to participate with their parents/guardians. We’ll provide everything you need, so just come and enjoy this opportunity to connect with other parents and families.

Christmas Baskets with St. Clare! For many years, Union Church & St. Clare have shared the opportunity to help our neighbors with a Christmas Food Basket and kids’ toys. If you’d like to do this, donations of toys are welcome; and funds for groceries. The good folks at Meijer will do the shopping for us and let us know the cost of items for families of different sizes. https://union.fellowshiponego.com/external/form/a7e38ea7-bb07-4132-b75f-192acc8215a1
Give An Incredible Gift This Christmas: Medical Debt Relief! $1=$100 of Forgiveness The Union Church Mission Board is joining with and supporting Kentucky Voices for Health and RIP Medical Debt to buy ALL of the current medical in central Kentucky AND FORGIVE IT ALL. KVH is a nonpartisan coalition of consumer health advocates dedicated to addressing the root causes of poor health in the commonwealth. 50% of funds given will support their local efforts and 50% will go to buying and eliminating $1.9 million owed by Kentuckians. Statewide, our goal is to raise $40,000 to do the job. Thanks to generous donations already given, the Mission Board has allocated $1000 to jumpstart the effort! You can make a gift at tinyurl.com/KVHGiving, or include “Medical Debt Forgiveness” in the memo line of a Union church contribution. Together we are shaping hope from shadows!!
Calling All Dog Lovers! There is great need for foster homes for dogs whose parent is going into a substance use treatment program. Many people have no one to care for their furry baby, so treatment is out of reach. Dogs and foster families are matched based on the best fit for both. For more information, please email fostering 4recovery@gmail.com or call / text Laura Nagle at 859-358-0106.
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