¨ Each week we join millions of Christians who pray for one another through the ecumenical prayer cycle and, locally, the Berea Ministerial Association’s prayer cycle (World Council of Churches Ecumenical Prayer cycle: union-church.org/ministries/prayer) Let us hold the people of Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and our brothers and sisters at Berea Friends Meeting in our hearts, and pray for them today and throughout the week.
¨ All the people of Ukraine for their safety and sovereignty. Prayers also that the government of Russia will turn to reason & respect for their own peoples’ lives as well as for Ukrainian families.
¨ All those affected by the devastating losses in the current conflict in the Middle East.
¨ Our church family members in nursing homes or who are homebound: Jan Hamilton, Betsy Hoefer, Dorie Hubbard, Lois Morgan, Sara Parker, Cheryl Payne, Alva Peloquin, Laura Robie, Betty Wray, Sally Zimmerman.
¨ All those suffering from mental strain, trauma, and disease: may God soothe and heal all who are troubled.
¨ Members and Friends who need safer housing and income security.
¨ JoAnn Russell, Reda Hutton’s aunt, facing several medical challenges.
¨ Jeannette Davidson, having health problems.
¨ Dorie Hubbard, moving soon to New York City; and Amy Williams, moving to Sacramento, CA.
¨ Celebrations with Prayers of Joy!
Birthdays: Jan. 1 – Jerry Cooper, Maureen Spencer; 3 – Rebekah Easton-Hogg; 6 – Dorothy Chao; 7 – Eliana Saderholm, Christine VanPelt-Ward
If we haven’t got your important dates, let us know. We’ll help you get connected in FellowshipOne Go!

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