A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday after Pentecost June 23, 2013 Meditation “And now there is merely silence, silence, silence saying all we did not know.” –William Rose Benet, from Starry Harness Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Prelude Variations on Holy… Read more.
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Weekly Bulletin
June 16, 2013: Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fourth Sunday after Pentecost & Father’s Day June 16, 2013 Meditation To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kindness that stands behind the action. –Albert Schweitzer 1875-1965,… Read more.
June 9 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Third Sunday after Pentecost June 9, 2013 Meditation Goodness in any form has an all-conquering power to call forth a response of the same kind. — David Noss and John B. Noss Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Commissioning… Read more.
6-2 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Music Sunday June 2, 2013 Meditation I am not satisfied with him who despises music, as all fanatics do; for music is an endowment and a gift of God, not a gift of men. It also drives away the devil and… Read more.
May 26 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of Church of Christ, Union Trinity Sunday May 26, 2013 Meditation Why do you complain that the proposition God is three in one is obscure and mystical and yet acquiesce meekly in the physicist’s fundamental formula “two P minus PQ equals IH over piwhere I equals the… Read more.
May 19 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Pentecost May 19, 2013 Meditation Take a moment to still yourself and breathe deeply. Imagine the wind of the spirit blowing across your face, the flame of passion igniting your heart. Ask the flame these questions: What can I learn about… Read more.
May 12 Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Seventh Sunday of Easter May 12, 2013 Meditation As truly as God is our Father, so truly is God our Mother, and he revealed that in everything, and especially in these sweet words where he says I am he; that is… Read more.
Union Church Members Receive Excellence Awards at Berea College
Congratulations! It was an award trifecta for Union Church as members Paul Smithson, Cheyenne and Richard Olson, and Sandy Bolster, swept the faculty and community service awards for 2013 at Berea College commencement, Sunday, May 5. Winning the Paul Hagar Award for Excellence in Advising was Paul Smithson, professor of Chemistry at the college, who was cited for… Read more.