Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union The Third Sunday of Lent March 15, 2020 10:30 am Meditation: Each one of us can make a contribution. Too frequently we think we have to do spectacular things. Yet if we remember that the sea is actually made up of… Read more.
what's happening
Breaking News: No Services or Annual Meeting This Sunday, March 15
At the request of Gov. Beshear, all churches in the commonwealth are being asked to suspend services and large gatherings for this weekend. The hope is that this will further delay the spread of the novel corona virus and the Covid-19 respiratory illness it causes. Therefore Union Church will not be holding services this weekend… Read more.
Supporting Bereans In a Time of Virus Anxiety: A Message from Rev. Kent
Dear Church family and friends, Most of you will know by now that Berea College has made the decision to conclude all classes and dismiss the school for the remainder of the semester, effective Friday, March 13. Graduation and summer travel for students must regrettably be canceled or postponed. In addition, this morning Gov. Beshear… Read more.
Welcome to the Newest Members of the Union Church Family!!
State Plans to Cut Library Funding, Please call Legislators
The Friends of the Madison County Library just got word that state aid to libraries has been cut from the House budget – that would be a $37,000 hit to our local budget and would drastically reduce services at many libraries across the state. If you are so inclined, please call Frankfort and let them… Read more.
CANCELLED (Will be Rescheduled) Pi(e) Day Fund and Friendraiser
Announcements and Sunday's Call
Union Church’s Annual Meeting will be next Sunday, March 15, after worship and lunch. The Annual Report is available in the vestibule, the office, online at the church’s website (link to be sent in tomorrow’s announcements) and available by email for the asking. New item of business to come before the congregation at the Annual… Read more.
Bread for the World Total — Thank You!!
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Bread for the World Offering of Letters. More than 100 letters were collected, plus some that were taken home to be completed. If you were not at worship yesterday and would like to participate, visit the website at You will find the information there for this… Read more.