Feeling a little isolated? Let’s get together! Using Zoom conferencing is REALLY EASY. You can use your computer, your tablet, your cell phone, or just dial in with your voice. All the instructions are below. This is especially for those who haven’t tried Zoom before. If you have a camera on your laptop or cell… Read more.
what's happening
Caring for Children in the Midst of Crazy! Resources from the Church Family
It’s a scary time for kids and adults as we all try to figure out the best way to keep each other safe and supported. With kids home and gatherings sparse, here are some good resources from Rev. Kent and the Union Church family! Special Presentation for Kids Today: Gov. Beshear will have a special… Read more.
Meditation, 3/13/2020, by Kim Kobersmith
We have had a devastating winter. Flu A, Flu B, Strep Cancer scares, cancer realities Unprecedented fires That was before the the Covid-19 pandemic Last night, a tornado warning siren How much can our hearts and minds hold? Help us stay human. No. Make us even more human. Have gratitude for our grocery checker Say… Read more.
Storytime: Sho and the Demons of the Deep
Sunday's Call
A water bearer had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream… Read more.
Announcements – Help with Tech, Feeding our Kids, Foodbank Donation link
Feeding our kids – there is a plan in the works to distribute meals to kids during this time of isolation. If you are available to help, please let us know in the office, either by email office@union-church.org or phone 859-986-3725. We’ll let you know what we know, when we know it. Thank you! The… Read more.
Union Church Cancellations
Hello, friends; Most meetings and activities are cancelled. The Sunday worship service will be online only until approx. mid-May at https://union-church.org/live-broadcast/. Please join us! The Monday AA group Wednesday NA group ARE going to meet as usual going forward. We are following the recommendation to keep gatherings to under 50 people. If that affects your plans… Read more.
Annual Meeting Cancelled; Board Members Elected & Extension of Financial Secretary Position Approved. Annual Report Attached
Annual meeting was cancelled yesterday. From Moderator, Paul Smithson, ‘In light of the Covid-19 issues preventing a safe meeting, as Moderator I’m taking executive action to declare that everyone named on the nomination slate (which was uncontested) is hereby appointed and duly installed to their offices and boards effective today. I am also declaring that… Read more.