Peace on Earth, Good Will to All! Wonderful sentiments for Christmas, but how do we work to bring those sentiments to life in today’s time? How do we bring the true meaning of Christmas to our friends and family? Christmas with a Conscience is the perfect place to do your shopping for gifts that reflect… Read more.
what's happening
Midnight Blessing
On the eve of our first worship service in our renewed and renewing building, Pastors Kent and Rachel met with a stalwart late night group of members who offered a special midnight blessing of light and song for our re-entry. Gathering in the darkened sanctuary, the group joined in as the pastors came in singing… Read more.
We Need Money Help: Funds Critically Low!
December brings Christmas music, holiday shopping, and our annual planning for the year ahead. In preparation for our all-congregation deliberation on that topic, the Proposed Budget and Budget Policy for 2013 are attached. Printed copies will be available in the vestibule on Sunday or in the church office. Here’s the Brief: Funds Are Critically Short… Read more.
Special worship service December 9
Friends, Berea College’s Willis D. Weatherford Campus Christian Center has prepared the service bulletin for December 9. In this service we will also recognise mid-year graduates and hear from Rev. John G. Fee. What follows is the Advent Wreath-lighting wording and our usual Sunday announcements. Advent Candle Lighting: PEACE The Advent Wreath tradition reaches back… Read more.
Advent Events at Union Church!
First Christmas Pageant Rehearsal is Wednesday, December 5, after Wednesday Nite Live Supper!! Berea College Christmas Concert is 7:30 pm December 7 & 8 in our very own Sanctuary. December 9 – We are Home for the Holidays!! First worship service back in our Sanctuary! 10:30 am as usual! Poinsettias Needed for Christmas! If you would… Read more.
Prayer for the Week — Dec. 2
For this week’s prayer, we borrowed from an old favorite, the Prayer of St. Francis. May God be with you all this week. — Rev. Rachel God who is constantly calling us toward your redemption, open our ears this Advent season. Help us to hear your joy, your love, your call to serve: Make… Read more.
Dance and Eat Cake to support CAPSN! TONIGHT! 8pm!
As we mentioned in our post a few weeks ago, the Central Appalachian Prisoner Support Network is hosting a Barn Dance and Cake Walk to raise money for their great work. Come on out TONIGHT at 8pm at Woods-Penniman Commons to support them, get your groove on, and eat some cake! It’s a win-win! See… Read more.
December 2 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union First Sunday of Advent Celebration of the Lord’s Supper December 2, 2012 Meditation Hope is the thing with feathers –That perches in the soul –And sings the tune without the words –And never stops – at all – —Emily Dickinson… Read more.