Several Union Church families and members joined Kentuckians for the Commonwealth on Thursday for their annual I ♥ Mountains Day march against mountaintop removal. Union Church encourages all its members to stand up where they see injustice, and this is a place in which many of our members have found that voice. One of our youngest… Read more.
what's happening
February 17 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union First Sunday of Lent February 17, 2013 Meditation The merit of a fast day is the charity dispensed then. —The Talmud Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Prelude Forty Days and Forty Nights (Heinlein) David N. Johnson ¨ Call… Read more.
Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 pm, Cowan Chapel
Ash Wednesday Service Union Church, February 13, 2013 Meditation Would you become a pilgrim on the road of Love? The first condition is that you make yourself humble as dust and ashes. —Ansarit of Herat Bell Introit Call to Worship from Seasons of the Spirit One: We meet… Read more.
Celebrating Mardi Gras!
As we ramp up to Lent, we haven’t forgotten the most important pre-Lenten tradition: Mardi Gras! Fat Tuesday is usually a time to eat up all the goodies before the Lenten fast, so in good style we had pancakes with fruits and syrups, sausage, and cheese grits! We also had hat-making (thanks to our friends… Read more.
February 10 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Transfiguration Sunday February 10, 2013 Meditation O Lord, refresh our sensibilities. Give us this day our daily taste. Restore to us soups that spoons will not sink in, and sauces which are never the same twice, Raise up among us stews… Read more.
Bereans for Fairness Reception Tuesday!
Please join us as we welcome the new members of the Berea Human Rights Commission on February 12, 6:00 pm, at Berea Coffee & Tea, 124 Main St., Berea. This 2nd annual community welcome reception will be a fun, informal opportunity to meet members of the Berea Human Rights Commission and the City Council to… Read more.
Call to Letter Writing – tomorrow!
Wednesday Nite Live — Call to Letter Writing Please join us on Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 5:45 pm for dinner and for some letter writing to state and/or federal legislators. Many important issues face our state and nation as our legislative bodies get to work in this new year. Paper, envelopes, addresses and faith-related talking… Read more.
Feb. 3 — Prayer for the week
In this brief moment in this short day on this small parcel of land on but a tiny planet in a vast array of galaxies, we praise you, Creator of heaven and earth who separated light from darkness and fixed the paths of the stars. Who are we that you are mindful of… Read more.