The New Opportunity School for Women is partnering with Mary Kay on a contest to win $5000 as part of their “One Woman” campaign. The goal is for the NOSW to have logged 300 makeovers (free of charge; no pressure to buy or sell). Last year’s winner won with 130, and we know we can… Read more.
what's happening
March 10 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of Church of Christ, Union Fourth Sunday of Lent March 10, 2013 Meditation After you board the train, you sit and wait, to begin your first real journey alone. You read to avoid the window’s awkwardness, knowing he’s anxious to catch your eye, loitering out in never-ending rain,… Read more.
Community-Building Challenge Course — Register now!
There are a few spots left for our Lenten Community-Building Challenge Course at the ropes course facility in Richmond next Sunday, March 10. Facilitator Kim Kobersmith will lead us through a series of group challenges that involve cooperation, problem solving, and some physical dexterity on the low ropes course at EKU. Please join us!! We… Read more.
Union Church bears witness to the Blood on the Cedars
Union Church was honored to welcome movement artists Tevyn East and Jay Beck, as they performed Blood on the Cedars this Sunday. A presentation filled with sounds, dance, poetry, and Scripture, it challenged us to consider the ways in which the earth is in danger of being destroyed by the greed of its inhabitants. Using… Read more.
March 3 bulletin
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Third Sunday of Lent March 3, 2013 Meditation We were made to enjoy music, to enjoy beautiful sunsets, to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked with dew… Human beings… Read more.
Gardening day postponed
Tevyn East brings Blood on the Cedars to Union Church this Sunday, March 3!
Blood on the Cedars addresses the imperial conquest of nature and connects the feral theatricality of the Hebrew prophets to contemporary resistance movements. Combining storytelling, song, movement and music- integrating the scholarship of Ched Myers with the brazen poetry of Jim Perkinson- the call of the wild comes alive in this theatrical depiction of an… Read more.
Members Visit the Dead Sea Scrolls
Union Church members made a trip to Cincinnati to view the Dead Sea Scroll exhibit on Saturday, February 24. The exhibit traces the history of these important biblical texts found in 1946 by a Palestinian shepherd where they had been hidden for nearly 2000 years. Considered among the world’s greatest archaeological discoveries, the Dead Sea… Read more.