A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost Youth Sunday August 23, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.” —Dom Helder Camara… Read more.
what's happening
New Class Sept 9: Big A** Themes of the Bible!
Ever felt like you could use a good overview of the Good Book? Big Asterisk Themes of the Bible is for you! This four session short course will leave you grounded, growing, and hopeful as we look at the BIG themes of God’s love that run through the 66 books of the scriptures. (Didn’t know… Read more.
Celtic Prayer for the Week: August 16, 2015
As part of the Berea Celtic Festival, held each year the 3rd weekend in August, Union Church celebrated Celtic spirituality and music in our worship service. We were joined again by Irish harper Jeni Balcom with her daughter Simone Westercamp on fiddle. Many of the songs and prayers were drawn from Christian writers, new and… Read more.
August 15, 2015, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns & Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost August 16, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation Kindle, O Lord, in our hearts, we pray, the flame of love which never ceases, that it may burn in us and give light to others. May we shine forever in… Read more.
Volunteer for the Bazaar! August 29!
We’re raising money to give away! Each year we all come together to offer the community a host of recycled goods and the chance to have their purchases do good around Berea, around the country and around the world. But, it takes all of us! There are lots of ways to help out, from pricing… Read more.
"Color Cascade" Quilt Challenge 2015!
“Color Cascade” Berea Depot Quilters and Friends Quilt Challenge 2015 Inspired by the 3-in-1 Color Tool by Joen Wolfrom with C&T Publishing. Each year, the Depot Quilters of Berea initiate a challenge for exhibit at Quilt Extravaganza. Because the group is small and this year’s challenge needed more participants to display well, an invitation was sent out… Read more.
August 9, 2015, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost August 9, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation “If the angel deigns to come, it will be because you have convinced her, not by your tears, but by your resolve to make a beginning, to be a beginner.” —Rainer… Read more.
August 2, 2015, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Tenth Sunday after Pentecost August 2, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation God longs for God and uses us, rises in us…becomes in us. Let us be silent, a quiet dough where God moves into every pore… where God lives as God pleases…. Read more.