Rev. Rachel this week explored what constitutes wisdom and how do we live it? How do we know what cross to take up, and what needs crucified in us so that we can recognize the true wisdom of a true savior? Here is the pastoral prayer offered by worship leader Matt Jadud. May it be… Read more.
what's happening
Weekly Announcements from Union Church
Marlene Payne now has a CaringBridge site for those who would like to leave greetings and keep informed. Sept. 14: Classic Choir begins! The third season of the Chorale begins at 7:00 pm – NEW SINGERS are invited! Those interested in joining us are asked to visit with director Larry Brandenburg for a brief… Read more.
International Day of Peace Celebration Sept. 20!!
Sunday, Sept 20th, 12-4 PM – Picnic for Peace on front lawn of Union Church – to celebrate the International Day of Peace. Music, Activities, Meditation for Peace, Special church services, Keynote speakers, drumming, Booths representing organizations building a “culture of peace” in Berea. Events also happening at Berea College, Loyal Jones Appalachian Center and… Read more.
Children's Church is Back!
All ye with little ones, the wait is over! We’ll start children’s church tomorrow morning during our 10:30am worship! Spread the word! Children’s church is a worshipful storytelling of bible stories, based loosely on the Godly Play (R) program. Here’s a video that shows what it’s like. Little ones up through 3rd grade are welcome…. Read more.
September 13, 2015, Worship Bulletin, Announcements, Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the CHURCH OF CHRIST, UNION Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 13, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation The cross is not random suffering, but necessary suffering. The cross is not suffering that stems from natural existence; it is the suffering that comes from being Christian. — Dietrich Bonhoeffer… Read more.
Celebrate Naomi's Ordination!
Naomi Schulz, Union Church member and recent intern has graduated seminary at Pacific School of Religion, and accepted a call to the Congregation for Reconciliation in Dayton, OH. She will celebrate her ordination to ministry in the United Church of Christ, Saturday, September 19th in Dayton. We want to get her a gift from the… Read more.
Syrian Refugee Petition Available Here
Artist In Residence Coming in October
Thanks to generous contributions to the Worship and Arts fund, the Worship Board has invited musician and composer, A.J. Bodnar to be our Artist in Residence at Union Church during the month of October. He will be participating in worship services, conversations on artistic-spiritual expression, and maybe even helping some of you write and compose… Read more.