A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union and First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost World Communion Sunday October 4, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation As Christians, we are called to be REAL people: Remember who we are Embrace the broken heart Accept God’s… Read more.
what's happening
October newsletter, click on the arrow at the top right of the newsletter to "pop out" and read the entire document
Reminder- Work Morning tomorrow, 9-noon
September 26, 2015, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the CHURCH OF CHRIST, UNION Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost September 27, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation Let there be such oneness between us that when one cries, the other tastes salt. —Unknown FROM THERE TO HERE Prelude O Jesus, I Have Promised K. Lowenburg… Read more.
Church Council Registers Protest over Spoonbread Festival Merchandise
Over 50,000 people attended the 19th annual Spoonbread Festival in Berea over the weekend of Sept 19-20. The Festival is presented by the Berea Chamber of Commerce (of which Union Church is a member), and supported by a number of sponsors, including the City of Berea Tourism department. We were dismayed to see vendors selling… Read more.
Announcements: Week of September 20, 2015
Here are your weekly announcements from Union Church. Click the “Read More” button to get the full listing and, if you have any questions, please call the church office at 859-986-3725. Marlene Payne now has a CaringBridge site for those who would like to leave greetings and keep informed. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/marlenepayne Class Taught by… Read more.
Prayer for the Week: September 21, 1015
The United Nations calls upon all nations to set aside September 21st of each year as International Peace Day. Along with many other churches and city organizations we joined in on Sunday as sponsors of a Peace Day picnic, with many fine speakers and lovely weather. In his sermon, Rev. Kent connected the story of… Read more.
September 20, 2015 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements. Observance of International Day of Peace.
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost International Day of Peace September 20, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation It’s not too late at all. You just don’t yet know what you are capable of. —Mahatma Gandhi From there to here Prelude Prelude in D Major… Read more.