Coming Up The church office is closed tomorrow. No Zoom Coffee Hour this week. April 5, Inauguration Concert for new Berea College president Dr. Cheryl Nixon, Sanctuary. Get tickets or access the livestream: April 7, Coffee Hour reception/baby shower for Seth & Laurel Hutchins April 8, Eclipse Expedition! April 12-14 Sustainable Berea’s 10th annual… Read more.
what's happening
March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Easter Sunday 10:30 am Celebration of the Resurrection Meditation God of terror and joy, you arise to shake the earth. Open our graves and give us back to the past; so that all that has been buried may be freed… Read more.
Maundy Thursday
A Service of Holy Communion & Tenebrae The Church of Christ, Union 7:00 pm Service of Foot and Hand Washing Jesus taught that leadership begins with service. The act of washing the feet of guests after a journey was usually the work of slaves, but Jesus insisted on washing the feet of his disciples on… Read more.
March 24, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Palm Sunday 10:30 am Meditation I want to hold what matters most with both hands. ~Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from “Peaceful Protest”) From There to Here: We Gather Prelude Sing Hosanna in the Highest Eugene Butler Union Church… Read more.
March 24 Announcements
Holy Week at Union Church March 28, Maundy Thursday service, Sanctuary. Come at 7 pm for foot and hand washing, 7:30 service March 30, 9:00 am Sanctuary spruce-up and Easter decorating March 31, Easter Sunday 9:30 am Kids’ Activities and Easter Egg Hunt! Meet in Cowan Chapel 10:30 am, Morning Worship, Celebration of the Resurrection,… Read more.
Easter Egg Hunt!!
Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids on March 31st, 9:30am. We’ll start out in Cowan Chapel with kids’ activity, then release the kids from youngest to oldest to begin the hunt with the help of our Youth Group. We need donations of wrapped candy that will fit in plastic eggs for… Read more.
March 17, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday of Lent 10:30 am Meditation If I’m quiet, and if I’m paying attention, I can usually hear God whisper inside of me, “Good work, my child. Now keep digging.” ~Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from ‘Keep Digging”) From There… Read more.
March 17 Announcements
Coming up 6:30 pm Sundays, Cowan Chapel, Compline 6:30 pm Sundays, Cowan Chapel, Compline Today, March 17, 3 pm, Union Church’s Annual Meeting—in person or Zoom March 19, 11-5, Blood Drive, Community Room March 20, 4 pm, Psalm Study, Training Room March 20, after supper, Missing Goats Band will play in the Community Room —… Read more.