Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 10:30 am Meditation It is neither stretch nor slight to say that the resurrection was a joke—and a good one. What more could Jesus have done to mock the world that killed him than rise from the… Read more.
what's happening
In this Consider….
Report of Union Church’s 165th Annual Meeting Orientation for All Board Members – New and Continuing – April 22, after Worship Service From the Pastor “Into the Breach We Go!” Musical Happenings in April News of the Family, Birthdays & Anniversaries April Education Opportunities from the Alzheimer’s Association, Lexington Seven Secrets to a Sustainable Soul… Read more.
URGENT! Surprise Gun Bill Needs YOUR Opposition!
Kentucky lawmakers are considering a surprise guns in schools bill at 11:30 am TODAY. PLEASE call 1-800-372-7181 IMMEDIATELY to voice your opposition to this dangerous proposition. Leave a message for the Senate Education Committee. Arming teachers confuses their role and makes it more likely for children to be hurt. We need to keep guns OUT… Read more.
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday, March 29, 2018 A Service of Holy Communion & Tenebrae The Church of Christ, Union 7:00 pm Service of Foot and Hand Washing Jesus taught that leadership begins with service. The act of washing the feet of guests after a journey was usually the work of slaves, but Jesus insisted on washing the feet… Read more.
Prayer in Action: Inform KY Legislators HB169 is Harmful
HB 169 has already passed the House and is now in the Kentucky Senate Judiciary Committee. Rev. Kent and the leaders of the Kentucky Council of Churches, Justice Youth Advocates, several prosecutors and the KY Judges association oppose this bill. It may well increase gang participation rather than prevent it and exacerbate racial biases in… Read more.
Help decorate for Easter with an Easter Lily!
[maxbutton id=”4″ url=”” text=”Buy Easter Lilies ” ] Would you like to order a lily to decorate the church for Easter? You can use this link to order and pay for lilies in memory, or in honor, of someone dear. We will pick them up and arrange them around the sanctuary and you can… Read more.
Conversations with the Psalms: Interchurch Retreat, March 11, 2018
Join members of all Berea Churches for a spirit filled conversation with God through the Psalms. Led by Rev. Mark Caldwell-Reiss of First Christian, the retreat will be at the Quaker Meeting House (newly renovated!) 4pm-8pm on Sunday, March 11. Bring a potluck dish to share for a wonderful afternoon of scripture, conversation and food. … Read more.
5th Annual Refugee and Immigrant Day at the Capitol March 7th
WHERE: Rotunda of the Kentucky State Capitol 700 Capitol Ave Frankfort, KY 40601 WHO: Organized by a coalition of agencies: Catholic Charities of Louisville, Kentucky Refugee Ministries, Americana World Community Center, the International Center of Kentucky, Adelante Hispanic Achievers, La Casita Center, Doors to Hope and the Backside Learning Center. WHY: It is important for… Read more.