We wrapped up OWL (Our Whole Lives human sexuality curriculum) with a question and answer session that felt like one of the most valuable components of the whole program. We had cheesecake, and celebrated the youth’s accomplishments in finishing the course. We had an end-of-the-year cookout at my new home for the youth, with 17… Read more.
what's happening
Musical Notes – Piano Fundraiser and Summer Music Program
Piano Technician removes keys and worn-out action from sanctuary piano. All the mechanisms will be rebuilt and returned by month’s end. On June 21, piano technician, Ben Griffith, took the action of the 1984 Kawai grand piano back to his shop in Frankfort Kentucky. The action of a piano is the inside mechanisms of… Read more.
From Rev. Kent
Dear Family, This year, this month, even this very week have brought significant challenges to the well-being of our souls. You are not imagining the anxiety everyone is feeling and, make no mistake, reckless and inhumane policies are imperiling our democratic ideals and practices on a daily basis. In such circumstances, it can be tempting… Read more.
The Way of Worship
Over the summer Pastor Kent and Director of Music Ministries Gabe Evans have been introducing new elements into our Sunday worship. For Rev. Kent, the hope is to help deepen the sense of meaning and personal connection to God for each worshiper. For Gabe, there is excitement about the possibility of using our excellent musical… Read more.
Monday Announcements, Handbell Rehearsal for August 12 performance this Weds., info about the Poor Peoples' Campaign
Dear Friends, Please join us for a very special UNITED Interfaith Encounter Tuesday, June, 26, 7:00 pm at Christ the King Church in Lexington as Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Muslims join in prayer for the restoration of the dignity of our immigrant and refugee sisters and brothers. Merely stopping the inhumane practice of separating children… Read more.
June 18: Kentucky Poor People's Campaign Rally
How to Help Child Immigrants
In the light of the misguided and immoral terror being imposed on children and their parents, here are some organizations that can help. Together Rising Love Flash Mob EMERGENCY LOVE FLASH MOB FOR THE CHILDREN Organized by best-selling author and blogger Glennon Doyle through her non-profit organization, the fundraising effort will go to provide bilingual… Read more.
June 3, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday after Pentecost June 3, 2018 10:30 am Meditation We should not be surprised at the unexpected quality of the way God counts and measures,… Read more.