Especially in our prayers: The Wellinghurst family, at Dave Wellinghurst’s passing yesterday. We’re Worshiping with First Christian Church in a Combined Service, October 7! On October 7th there will be no service at Union Church. Instead, we will be the guests of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) two blocks away at 206 Chestnut St!… Read more.
what's happening
Children's Church Is Going Strong!
You may have noticed that Children’s Church is up and running (sometimes literally running)! We are trying a new format this year. Instead of using a set curriculum for the nine-month session, we will be exploring a new avenue for faith development and personal growth each month, inviting community members to join us to share… Read more.
A Note about Beethoven from Bernardo
“I would have put an end to my life—only art withheld me. Ah! It seems impossible to leave the world until I had produced all that I felt called upon me to produce.” Two hundred and sixteen years ago, the course of music was held at a crossroad as the composer Ludwig van Beethoven, on… Read more.
Planned Parenthood of Indiana & Kentucky President to Discuss Access to Care
World Communion Sunday, October 7! To Live Generously: Our Hope, Our Mission, Our Call From Rev. Kent Children’s Church Is Going Strong! A Note about Beethoven from Bernardo A note from Carla – Take Time for Matters of the Heart News of the Family, New Members, New Staff, Medicare & Insurance help, Congratulations to our… Read more.
Alzheimer's Education in October
Early Stage Social Engagement Program. Call 859-266-5283 x 8179 October 8, 2-4 pm, Memory Cafe Lexington. Call 859-266-5283 x 8179 October 9, noon-1, Program by Phone. Coping with Difficult Behaviors in Dementia October 22,11-noon, Webinar. Sundowning, Sleeplessness & Alzheimer’s: How to Cope in the Evenings. Register at October 22, 2:30-4 pm, Legal &… Read more.
From Rev. Kent
And so it begins. As the US, Kentucky and even little Berea itself enters election season and as news and politics of all persuasions wax polemic, I have this humble prayer: Lord, may all beings be able to live in safety, to live in health, to be treated with compassion and justice even when in… Read more.
Hurricane Response through Church World Service
Hurricane Florence slammed into the North Carolina coast on September 14. The slow-moving storm drenched North and South Carolina with record-breaking rainfall. CNN reports that the storm has been responsible for 36 deaths so far, and thousands remain in shelters. Union Church has collected funds and continues to be a partner with Church World Service,… Read more.
Witness for Peace Speaker on October 17 at Wednesday Nite Live
We are fortunate that Berea, KY is once again on the Witness for Peace Southeast Fall Speakers Tour. Union Church will be privileged to host Alicia Sevila Hidalgo from Havana, Cuba on Oct. 17 at WNL. She will also be speaking at a luncheon event on campus that day, sponsored by the Peace and Social… Read more.