Parenting Classes Wednesdays in November (7th, 14th, 28th)!Come to a three-week group at Wednesday Night Live to support each other in the hard work of nurturing children in the 21st century. When we first have our children, it’s tempting to think that the job will get easier as our children sleep through the night, get… Read more.
what's happening
Pastor’s Letter: Keeping The Faith In a Troubled Time
It’s no exaggeration to suggest that this election may be the most important referendum on the soul of a nation as we’ve had in living memory. The New York times agreed and many have pointed out that the rise of undemocratic nationalism, the abridgment of civil liberties in both rhetoric and practice, and the tacit… Read more.
Two Hundred Strong: a Choral-Orchestral Collaboration. November 4, 3:00 pm at Union Church
A concert in honor of Dr. Steve Bolster’s upcoming retirement, five musical ensembles from three regional colleges/universities will be joining the Berea College Concert Choir in a collaborative performance in Union Church. The Asbury University Chorale, Vicki Bell, conductor; and the Centre College Choir, Johann Van Niekirk, conductor will form a 140-voice… Read more.
Union Church Is All About Living Generously! Our 2019 Planning So Far…
On October 28 members and friends joined in a joyous celebration of God’s generosity, consecrating pledges for our 2019 ministry together. We have so far received 78 pledges for a total of $238,226! That means we are more than half-way to our “best case budget” of $450,000 which would include a full time Associate Pastor,… Read more.
November 4 Worship @10:30am: All Saints Celebration with Al, Alice and Ruth!
All Saints Day gives us an opportunity to celebrate and remember those in our lives who have gone before us, and to lift the promise of a wider, deeper love that transcends even death. This Sunday will be a special Bluegrass Celebration with “Al, Alice & Ruth,” the nationally recognized bluegrass band made up of… Read more.
Monday Announcements – First Zen Teaching tonight, Halloween WNL Menu, Bluegrass Sunday, All Saints' Sunday Nov. 4, Poor Peoples Campaign Friday
Beginning, Monday Church member David Parks will offer Zen teaching: Meditation, Koans, Conversation on Mondays beginning Oct. 29, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Cowan Chapel. No experience necessary, all welcome. Experience the beauty of Zen, hearts opening to life just as it is. Bluegrass Sunday — This Sunday, Nov. 4, Al, Alice & Ruth will provide… Read more.
October 28, 2018, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Consecration Sunday October 28, 2018 10:30 am Meditation In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, And sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things The Heart finds its morning and is refreshed. ― Kahlil… Read more.
Union Church Welcomes Groups Exercising Democratic Freedoms
A group comprised of many who are part of the so-called “Berea Moderates” FaceBook forum have called for a protest of Union Church on Sunday afternoon, October 28. The group has received a parade permit that will enable them to assemble on the public sidewalk along Prospect St. In contrast to some who hope that… Read more.