If you missed the concert yesterday, see it by clicking here: 200 Strong Concert link We are so grateful to Al, Alice & Ruth for the beautiful music on All Saints Sunday. The service was wonderful all around, thank you to the many who contributed to an uplifting Sunday! Watch it here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/union-church-berea-ky-live Need a Ride… Read more.
what's happening
Sunday, November 4, 2018, All Saints Sunday. Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union All Saints Sunday November 4, 2018 10:30 am Meditation Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. But if you love and must needs have desires, let these be your desires: to melt and be like a… Read more.
Inside this Newsletter — Link to Christmas Concert tickets, All Saints Sunday, Letter from Rev. Kent, more!
Berea College Christmas Concert ticket link & info from Campus Christian Center November 4 Worship @10:30am: All Saints Celebration with Al, Alice and Ruth! Union Church Is All About Living Generously! Our 2019 Planning So Far… Two Hundred Strong: a Choral-Orchestral Collaboration. November 4, 3:00 pm at Union Church Pastor’s Letter: Keeping The Faith In… Read more.
Berea College Christmas Concert ticket link & info from Campus Christian Center
On behalf of the Berea College Music Program and the Campus Christian Center, I want to make you aware that the link to secure your seat for the annual Christmas Concert is now available (see below). Feel free to share this information with friends and family. Additional information about the Concerts and tickets is below…… Read more.
November Alzheimer's Association Opportunities & Events
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED 1.800.272.3900 OR http://www.communityresourcefinder.org HEALTHY LIVING FOR YOUR BRAIN AND BODY For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to optimize our physical and cognitive health as we age. Join us to learn about research in the… Read more.
World Communion Sunday at First Christian Church. Photos by Rev. Kent & Rachael White
News of the Family, Birthdays & Anniversaries
Steve Rhodes’ new book, “They Speak Your Language, A Poetic Bestiary,” illustrated by Amanda Chao Benbassat, is now available on Amazon! Your best bet for finding the book is to enter “J. Stephen Rhodes” or “Amanda Chao Benbassat.” Betty Wray is having a birthday (11/11) and we want to celebrate her! Come to a special birthday… Read more.
How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Our choir knows!
Here’s the link to tickets to the NYC concert A Winter Rose, music by American composers/conductors Joseph Martin and Mark Hayes bring their original choral music to Carnegie Hall to celebrate the holidays. It’s on Nov.26 – spread the word if you’ll be in the city, or know someone with a Berea connection who will…. Read more.