Join us for our annual Easter Egg Hunt for kids on March 31st, 9:30am. We’ll start out in Cowan Chapel with kids’ activity, then release the kids from youngest to oldest to begin the hunt with the help of our Youth Group. We need donations of wrapped candy that will fit in plastic eggs for… Read more.
what's happening
March 17, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday of Lent 10:30 am Meditation If I’m quiet, and if I’m paying attention, I can usually hear God whisper inside of me, “Good work, my child. Now keep digging.” ~Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from ‘Keep Digging”) From There… Read more.
Eclipse Expedition T-Shirt Orders
Thai Luncheon Fundraiser
Our college student ministry, ConneXions, is working to raise funds for our Spring Retreat to the Smoky Mountains. We are offering a Thai Luncheon event which will include live music, with Berea College studen Cansas Dowell, Original hand-made jewelry for sale by student, Chloe Beyler, and an incredible Thai meal prepared by Betsy Whaley. Please… Read more.
Feb. 25, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday of Lent 10:30 am Meditation Again and again,I will pray for a truth that ricochets,For ears that will listen,And for space to hold the truth. ~ Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from “Truth That Ricochets”) From There to Here:… Read more.
Union Church Total Eclipse Expedition
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024
Rev. Kent Gilbert, Pastor Dr. Bernardo Scarambone, Director of Music We Gather Call to Confession Ash Wednesday is a special day because it marks the start of something new. We are standing at the door of a journey into deeper faith, and God is inviting us in. However, we know that we cannot… Read more.
February 4, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany Meditation To pray you open your whole selfTo sky, to earth, to sun, to moonTo the one whole voice that is you.And know there is moreThat you can’t see, can’t hearCan’t know except in momentsSteadily… Read more.