what's happening
Union Church's 162nd Annual Meeting is this Sunday, March 22
This Weekend at Union Church
Saturday, Clothing Swap, 4-7pm, Community Room. $10 to take home clothes Help the environment, help your friends, help your wardrobe, help keep sweatshops out of business, help our youth get to camp! You can do all these things in one place. Bring clothes you want to get rid of, and go home with all sorts… Read more.
WNL is ON tonight!
Wednesday Nite Live is ON for tonight – according to hourly weather reports, the really Bad Stuff will start when the temperature drops at about 10 pm. But please, if there is flooding in your neighborhood or if you’re just not comfortable – don’t drive! We’ll use disposable plates and cups to abide by the… Read more.
Wednesday Nite Live classes, Saturday Events and Ongoing Lent Opportunities
Our Wednesday Nite Lives have a couple of new opportunities for Lent! 2 classes will begin tonight at 6:30. Come for supper at 5:45 & stay for a class. Register at union-church.org/lent2015 — or just come! The QiGong Workshop has been rescheduled for this coming Saturday, 2/28, so you haven’t missed it! Faith and Money… Read more.
Ash Wednesday, Feb 18, 7pm
WEATHER ADVISORY: Snow may have blanketed the city, but the church is dry and warm and services will proceed as planned. That said, please make safe and careful decisions about coming as weather conditions are due to be very cold and there may be more snow. If you can’t make it to the Wed. Night… Read more.
Sign up for the Habitat for Humanity Build! From Jack Marshall
Hello All, Now it’s easier than ever to volunteer for the Habitat Build! No longer do you have to email me, now you can sign up directly online. Follow the link below, register your email address, and view the calendar of build dates. You’ll get a two day reminder email before your scheduled dates. Make… Read more.
January 11, 2015 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union The Baptism of Jesus January 11, 2015, 10:30 am Meditation If you have the gift of frustration and the deep sense that the world is a mess, thank God for that; not everyone has that gift of vision. It also means… Read more.