Latin Guitarist David Burgess will perform at Union Church tonight, 7:00 pm, Sanctuary, no charge, open to all. Praised by musicians and critics internationally, David Burgess is recognized as one of today’s outstanding guitarists. His appearances as soloist and chamber musician have taken him to concert halls around the world. Burgess performs a multicultural program… Read more.
what's happening
Berea College Music Department Christmas Concert December 4 & 5, tickets available now — online only!
December 4 & 5 Berea College Christmas Concert, 7:30 pm, in Union Church’s Sanctuary. Tickets required, but free. Online only, at The concert will also be live-streamed for viewing at the Alumni Building OR your very own home. Reception after the Friday performance at the Alumni Building.
Want to share your musical offerings on December 13? Sign up here!
December 13, 2015, we will be having another Share-YOUR-Music Sunday!! The bells will be ringing, the choirs will be singing, and we will be ready to to bring in the Christmas season with musical help from YOU!! This is your opportunity to share your talents and enhance our worship service. If you play an instrument, sing, or even play… Read more.
Consecration Sunday is November 8!
Sunday we celebrate! Our 2016 Pledges of our Gift Estimates Help us Be Bearers of Christ’s Light. Sunday receive not only our offerings and tithes, but our pledges and estimates for keeping the flame of care alight in the coming year. Our gifts help keep the light of Christ’s love glowing brightly at Union Church… Read more.
Tonight, 7:00 pm – Seymour: An Introduction
Film tonight – Phelps Stokes, 7:00 pm, no charge. All welcome to attend! Meet Seymour Bernstein: a beloved pianist, teacher and true inspiration who shares eye-opening insights from an amazing life. Ethan Hawke helms this poignant guide to life. Follow the link for the trailer:
All Y’all Faith Day: The Art of the Brick LEGO Exhibit Nov. 21
What is an All Y’all Faith Day? The Faith Development Board will be hosting a series of intergenerational All Y’all Faith Days throughout the coming year. Formerly referred to as Family Faith Days, All Y’all Faith Days are times for all y’all – young and fresh, wise and experienced, wild and wooly, children, teens, young… Read more.
Halloween Bash to Benefit Matt Ross Fund, October 30
Bereans United for Racial Justice (BURJ) meets tonight
Bereans United for Racial Justice (BURJ) is a new group currently forming in Berea. They will meet tonight, Tuesday, October 6, at 6:30 p.m. at the Carter G. Woodson Center in the Alumni Building on Berea College’s campus (note change). BURJ is an off-shoot of a more wide-spread organization, SURJ (Standing Up for Racial Justice),… Read more.