what's happening
Conversations with the Psalms: Interchurch Retreat, March 11, 2018
Join members of all Berea Churches for a spirit filled conversation with God through the Psalms. Led by Rev. Mark Caldwell-Reiss of First Christian, the retreat will be at the Quaker Meeting House (newly renovated!) 4pm-8pm on Sunday, March 11. Bring a potluck dish to share for a wonderful afternoon of scripture, conversation and food. … Read more.
Prayer in Action on Gun Violence, Feb. 20, 9:30am, Rm 129 Capitol Annex, Frankfort
“Thoughts and Prayers” alone mean nothing in the wake of nearly 400 children and teenagers killed THIS YEAR SO FAR by gun violence. Join Kentucky Council of Churches President, Rev. Kent Gilbert, local church leaders, Moms Demand Action volunteers, and experts in the field of sensible legislation that can help. We’ll pray then help everyone… Read more.
Read "An Other Kingdom" With Union Church! Discussion Group on Sundays!
Feeling like a pawn in the world? Tired of the morally bankrupt consumer culture? Looking For a Different Way? “An Other Kingdom” by Peter Block, Walter Brueggemann, and John McKnight is a call to communities of compassion, resilience, and hope. Union Church is engaging in an all-Church read of this during February and March. Copies… Read more.
Lent Opportunities and Holy Week
This year’s Lenten theme will be an all-church focus on where we’re headed next in discerning God’s path for Union Church. As part of this, we invite your purchase of An Other Kingdom by Walter Brueggemann for an all-church read. We’ll be hosting weekly discussion groups on this book, as well as an online group…. Read more.
Give Gifts that Matter: Alternative Christmas Market continues online
Giving a gift to a local, national, or international charity is wonderful way to celebrate the people you love. Your gift will always fit, be the right color, and never has to be dusted! Agencies doing critical work depend on our generosity and the Berea Alternative Christmas Market is a wonderful way to help them… Read more.
Visitation and Memorial Service for Kevin Burke Nov 3 & 4, 2017
Visitation for Kevin Burke will be at Union Church, Friday, November 3, 5:30pm to 8:00pm in the Sanctuary. The Memorial Service will be Saturday, November 4, at 11:00am, also in the Union Church Sanctuary. Interment will follow immediately in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting), and all are invited to a finger-food reception in the church… Read more.