what's happening
Can you Help at an Upcoming Service? Longnight, Early Christmas Eve or Late Christmas Eve?
Caring from Afar: Tips for Long Distance Caregiving
https://alzwebinars.org/ If you provide care for someone who lives at least an hour away, you are a long distance caregiver. This type of caregiving can present an array of challenges that may include recognizing when a person needs extra help, and knowing what kind of care is available and where to find it. Learn from… Read more.
Long Night Service of Light & Prayers for Healing, Dec. 21, 7:00 pm, Cowan Chapel
On the longest night of the year, we gather to remember that not everything about the season feels merry and bright. This special service is for anyone experiencing a sense of loss. It is for those wishing to offer prayers for those around them suffering depression, loss of health, or a death of someone close…. Read more.
Movie Musical Sing-Alongs in the New Year!
Our Community Life & Board has come up with a great idea for the New Year — sing-alongs with movie musicals! The second Saturdays of January, February & March in the Community Room. Time: to be determined. Movies: send your suggestions to Betsy Whaley at betsy@maced.org. Keep an eye on your bulletins and Monday announcements… Read more.
Potluck Wednesday December 4
First-Wednesday-of-the-Month Potluck December 4, 5:45 pm in the Community Room. Everybody welcome!!! Bring a dish to share. If you’re a student, take a study break – come on over & eat (no need to bring anything, pjs ok ☺️). There will be a brief program after dinner, as has been our tradition this fall. Brenda Richardson,… Read more.
Giving Tuesday! Help Us Shine Bright This Season
Picnic and Creek Clean Up Mission: Volunteer for Sunday, June 30!
Let’s Eat! June 30 will be Pastor Kent’s last Sunday with us before he starts a well-deserved sabbatical rest. After worship that morning everyone is invited for a picnic to wish him well and to meet and welcome our sabbatical replacement minister, the Rev. Nate Craddock. Help Needed! The picnic will be at Rev. Kent… Read more.