Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 10:30 am Meditation: “In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me,… Read more.
what's happening
Good Friday Observances
Union Church will not hold a Good Friday service today, but Rev. Kent has selected a few ways of observing this solemn day. Jesus’ Words from The Cross My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by… Read more.
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter at Home
“Holy Week” is the week before Easter. During this week all over the world people remember the story of Jesus’ last week before his death and resurrection. During the week there are special ways that people have told the stories for over two thousand years. Taken as a whole, the week is like a full… Read more.
Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Annoucements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Palm Sunday April 5, 2020 10:30 am Meditation: If we take care of the means, we are bound to reach the end sooner or later. When once we have grasped this point, final victory is beyond question. Whatever… Read more.
Pick Up Palms Today at Church from 1-5!
We can’t be together in person, but we can be in Spirit!! Come by the church from 1-5 pm and we’ll have some Palms out on a table near the handicap ramp AND a paper copy of some worship suggestions for you to share at home!! On Sunday, come to church online If you can… Read more.
Palm Sunday Service online!
Palms shall be waved, Hosannas shall be shouted! Join us at 10:30 Sunday morning! Our Palm Sunday Worship Service recalls Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The palms represent the cloaks and small branches of trees the celebrating people scattered in front of Jesus as he rode into Jerusalem. According to the Gospels, Jesus rode a… Read more.
Every Night! Story Time with Rev. Kent & Rev. Diana!
Sunday, March 22, 2020, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union The Fourth Sunday of Lent March 22, 2020 10:30 am Meditation: “There must be always remaining in every life, some place for the singing of angels, some place for that which in itself is breathless and beautiful.” ― Howard Thurman From there… Read more.