Church of Christ, Union 10:30 am Second Sunday after the Epiphany Meditation “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr We Gather Prelude Welcome ¨ Call to Worship One: Perfect Light of revelation, as you shone in the life… Read more.
what's happening
Jan. 15 Bulletin Announcements
Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed. Celebrate Hattie Parks’ 100th birthday! Stay for cake in the parlor today! Rev. Kent will be out of the office from January 18 through January 25 for a week of vacation. Melissa Holland, Interim Executive Director of the Kentucky Council of Churches will preach with Dr…. Read more.
January 8 Bulletin Announcements
Children Are Welcome in the service, and a Staffed Nursery is available! Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed. Celebrated Hattie Parks’ 100th birthday! Send cards to the office and we’ll give them to her on the 15th! (Union Church, 200 Prospect St., Berea, KY, 40403) Prayer in Action: The Kentucky Council… Read more.
January 1, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union New Year’s Day A Celebration of Epiphany Meditation I suppose when we take on January 1 the world will look the same. But there is a reminder of the Resurrection at the start of each new year, each new decade. That’s… Read more.
January 1, 2023 Bulletin Announcements
Announcements Children Are Welcome in the service, and a Staffed Nursery is available! Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed. Justice Candle Honorees sought. Would you like to nominate some folks for us to highlight? They can be living or dead, famous or not. We’d especially love stories of people who are local to… Read more.
December 18, 2022, Worship Bulletin and Prayer Concerns
From There to Here: We Gather Hymn Sing Choose Your Favorites! Prelude Welcome and Invitation ¨ The Call One: When the sun rises what shall we sing? All: “My soul magnifies the Lord.” One: And when chaos and violence echo on the screen? All: “My soul magnifies the Lord.” One: For our God is a… Read more.
Dec. 11, 2022, Worship Bulletin and Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Third Sunday of Advent 10:30 am Meditation “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” ~Henri Nouwen From There to Here: We Gather Hymn Sing Choose Your Favorites! Prelude Welcome… Read more.