Union Church seeks Youth Director! Join the Union team! Thank you, Larry! May thanks to Larry Brandenburg, subbing for Bernardo Scarambone, who’s in Brazil visiting family until mid-August. Today—the Berea Shape Notes Group to start again post-Covid! They will be meeting the first and third Sundays of every month in the parlor, at 1:30, beginning… Read more.
what's happening
July 30 Announcements
Rev. Kent will be visiting family in Colorado following the funeral of his cousin, Marty Quigley. He will be out of the office through August 4. Should you have pastoral needs, please call the church office and Rev. Carla will be happy assist. Thank you, Larry! May thanks to Larry Brandenburg, show will sub for… Read more.
July 30, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 10:30 am Meditation Oh love, my love, there springs a world, And on the world there shines a sun, And in the sun there burns a fire, Within the fire consumes my heart, And in my heart… Read more.
New Shape Note Group Begins Aug. 6
July 23 Announcements
Rev. Kent will be out of the pulpit next week, visiting family in Colorado following the funeral of his cousin, Marty Quigley. He will be out of the office July 24-August 4. Seth Hutchins, church family member and chaplain at Berea College will bring the word as preacher on July 30, and should you have… Read more.
July 23, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union 10:30 am Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Meditation “I wondered if we were put on this earth only to destroy every beautiful thing, to make chaos. Or were we meant to overcome this? Did bad things happen so that goodness could show through… Read more.
Community Creativity Celebration
The Community Creativity Celebration will be on the Church lawn, August 16, 5:00pm – 8:00pm for Adults and Kids and is designed to be an event for all of Berea. This will be a fun event to help us kick off the return of our Wednesday NIght Live meals and opportunites for fellowship, learning, and involvement… Read more.