Today is World Communion Sunday. We’ll do a blessing of the animals with our sister church, First Christian, from 4-6 at the Tillie Dog Park, on Harrison Ave. near the utilities building. Berea Shape Notes Group TODAY – all welcome! They will meet the first and third Sundays of every month in the parlor, at… Read more.
what's happening
October 1, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union 10:30 am The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost World Communion Sunday Meditation “If we could but recognize our common humanity, that we do belong together, that our destinies are bound up in one another’s, that we can be free only together, that… Read more.
September 24, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost 10:30 am About Today’s Service: The Fee Memorial Sanctuary of Union Church was begun in 1920 and completed in 1922. It was dedicated September 17, 1922 and it was the congregation’s intention to celebrate “the Grace in… Read more.
Sept. 24 Announcements
2-5 pm TODAY!! Union Church will celebrate the history, tradition and preservation of the John G Fee Memorial Building on September 24 (2:00 pm – 5:00 pm) with a community event, “Grace in This Place – Celebrating 100 Years,” which will include tours of the building, music, a reception, infor-mational displays, and rededication of the… Read more.
Sept. 17 Announcements
Berea Shape Notes Group TODAY – all welcome! They will meet the first and third Sundays of every month in the parlor, at 1:30. No experience or talent necessary! Come one, come all! Wednesday Evening Open Table – Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group… Read more.
Sept. 10 Announcements
Wednesday Evening meal, fun & fellowship Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group at 6; ConneXions (for college students & young adults) and Handbell Ensemble rehearsal both at 6:30! Come for supper and hear all about it! Here’s this week’s menu: Chicken parm A veggie… Read more.
Sept. 10, 2023, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union 10:30 am Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Meditation “Freedom is won not on the battlefield but in the classroom and the home. Teach your children the history of freedom if you want them never to lose it.” ~Rabbi Shimon Raichik From There… Read more.
Sept. 3 Announcements
Wednesday Evening meal, fun & fellowship. Supper is at 5:30 (provided—no need to bring anything), other activities and groups too, including Youth Group at 6; ConneXions (for college students & young adults) and Hadndbell Ensemble rehearsal both at 6:30! Come for supper! This week, Deb Beishline is planning an end-of-summer feast of a couple of… Read more.