Coming Up Today, Coffee Hour Baby Shower for Seth & Laurel Hutchins 1:30 pm – ShapeNote Singers, Parlor—all welcome, no skills or talent required 6:30 pm – after a hiatus at Easter, Compline will resume in Cowan Chapel on Sunday evenings, 6:30 April 8, tomorrow—church office closed. Happy Eclipse Day!! April 9, 11-4, Blood Drive,… Read more.
what's happening
March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Easter Sunday 10:30 am Celebration of the Resurrection Meditation God of terror and joy, you arise to shake the earth. Open our graves and give us back to the past; so that all that has been buried may be freed… Read more.
Maundy Thursday
A Service of Holy Communion & Tenebrae The Church of Christ, Union 7:00 pm Service of Foot and Hand Washing Jesus taught that leadership begins with service. The act of washing the feet of guests after a journey was usually the work of slaves, but Jesus insisted on washing the feet of his disciples on… Read more.
March 24, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Palm Sunday 10:30 am Meditation I want to hold what matters most with both hands. ~Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from “Peaceful Protest”) From There to Here: We Gather Prelude Sing Hosanna in the Highest Eugene Butler Union Church… Read more.
March 24 Announcements
Holy Week at Union Church March 28, Maundy Thursday service, Sanctuary. Come at 7 pm for foot and hand washing, 7:30 service March 30, 9:00 am Sanctuary spruce-up and Easter decorating March 31, Easter Sunday 9:30 am Kids’ Activities and Easter Egg Hunt! Meet in Cowan Chapel 10:30 am, Morning Worship, Celebration of the Resurrection,… Read more.
March 17, 2024, Worship Bulletin & Prayer Concerns
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday of Lent 10:30 am Meditation If I’m quiet, and if I’m paying attention, I can usually hear God whisper inside of me, “Good work, my child. Now keep digging.” ~Rev. Sarah Are (excerpt from ‘Keep Digging”) From There… Read more.
March 17 Announcements
Coming up 6:30 pm Sundays, Cowan Chapel, Compline 6:30 pm Sundays, Cowan Chapel, Compline Today, March 17, 3 pm, Union Church’s Annual Meeting—in person or Zoom March 19, 11-5, Blood Drive, Community Room March 20, 4 pm, Psalm Study, Training Room March 20, after supper, Missing Goats Band will play in the Community Room —… Read more.