Coming Up
Aug. 11 – 3:00 pm, Memorial Service for Steve Boyce
Aug. 13 – 11-4, Blood Drive, Community Room
Aug. 15-18 – Celtic Festival
Aug. 18 – God on the Quad Event for new Berea College students (on campus)
Aug. 21 – Wednesday Open Table returns after the summer break!
Aug. 22 – Choir and Orchestra start back after the summer break
Aug. 25 – Jennifer Elam’s birthday party, 300 Harrison Rd.
Aug. 27 – 1:30 pm, Memory Cafe
Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed & recorded.
Children Are Welcome in the service, and a Staffed Nursery is available!
Can you bring a plate or two of small-bite snacks to the reception after Steve Boyce’s memorial service this afternoon (3pm)? The doors will be unlocked so you can deliver to the kitchen before the service — many thanks!
Many thanks to the crew of volunteers who helped with the clean-up and spruce-up of the Nursery! And with the August 7 Back-to-School Bash! Mother Nature showered upon us, and so did the blessings!!
Celtic Festival next weekend (Aug. 15-18) needs Volunteers!! Would you like to be part of this awesome community event, which is now in its 15th year?! Contact Sune Frederiksen if you can help. And check out all the events at!
From our Music Director: Orchestra and Choir will start their year on August 22 – Orchestra at 5:30 and Choir at 6:30!! Bells, tbd. All are welcome to join them, no matter your skill level. In the 3rd floor Choir Room.
Birthday Party! You are invited to celebrate Jennifer Elam’s birthday with a potluck, fellowship and some music -on 8/25 from 5:30-8:30pm, at 300 Harrison Road, Berea. The theme is “Creation and Re-birth”. If you want to give her a gift, buy her new book(s).
Friends of Aging in Berea (FAB) is a non-profit coalition of community partners who are dedicated to an age-friendly Berea. FAB would like to find out a little about you and how you think Berea can be a better place for people of all ages, using the survey at the QR code, or a via paper copy found in the back hallway.

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