A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union
Fifth Sunday of Easter April 28, 2013
For what’s the use of a utopian dream if we’re stuck with the same old men and women? …Unless we can be changed we’ll dream a Holy City but end with death and pain and a warring of nations, everytime. “A new heaven and a new earth?” My God! What we need is nothing less than a whole new human race. —David Buttrick
Gathering to Worship
Welcome and Announcements
Honoring our Graduates
When invited, please respond with the ministers:
All: May God grant you roots and wings, as your life unfolds in new ways before you. Amen!
* Call to Worship
One: This is one world,
All: and we are one people, made of one blood.
One: There is one God,
All: and we are all God’s people.
One: There is one life,
All: and we are called to live it together.
One: There is one hope,
All: and we share it with one another. With one voice, one joy, one faith, one love, we rise to worship the risen Christ together.
* Opening Hymn #6 Black Sing Praise to God Mit Freuden Zart
* Passing the Peace of Christ
All who come to this sanctuary are welcome companions on this day. Please turn to those nearest you and greet them with words of peace.
Hearing the Word
Anthem Dancing With the Angels Peter Rowan Al and Alice White, Ruth McLain Smith
Epistle Lesson Revelation 21:1-6 (p. 1526)
A new heaven and a new earth is prophesied n John’s vision, newness as a gift of God who makes all things new.
Children’s Moment
Following Children’s Moment, child care for ages kindergarten & under is available in the Nursery, downstairs off the Community Room, and Children’s Church for kids ages 5-8 is available in Room 104. The activities provided acquaint the children with the structure of the regular service in a way that engages them and encourages their participation. Children’s Church is staffed by Anna Kate McWhorter, and parents who wish to accompany their children are very welcome.
As the children return to their seats we sing:
Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia, Give Thanks Donald Fishel
Lesson from Acts Acts 11:1-18 (p. 1334)
Peter, asked by the church to explain his fellowship with Gentiles, tells of a vision he received at Joppa, a vision of God’s expansive love.
Sermon Out Beyond the Walls Rev. Kent Gilbert
Hymn #498 Black Jesu, Jesu Chereponi
Prayers of the People
Ringing of the Peace Bell
The Union Church Peace Bell was created by Jeff Enge in honor of Union Church member Carl Eschbach (1904-1998). A twin bell hangs in Berea’s sister province in Kiyosato, Japan and is also rung in the hope of peace for all nations.
Silent Prayers & Prayers of the Community
Our Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.
Today we receive pledges and one-time gifts to help close a budget gap, rising to the challenge of good ministry done well. If you would like to participate, please fill out a form indicating the amount of a NEW pledge for 2013, an INCREASE to your current pledge, a ONE TIME GIFT, or an offer of SERVICE. Forms were mailed home and are available in the pews. If you are making your gift today, please put “Risen and Rising” in the memo line of your check. Many thanks for making God’s work visible and available to all at Union Church.
Offertory Wondrous Love trad.
Al and Alice White, Ruth McLain Smith
The offering, along with our pledges and gifts, will be received by Patty Boyce, Church Financial Secretary, who receives all gifts in confidence, reporting only the totals so we may budget appropriately for the rest of the year. We give thanks for every gift and every giver.
* Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow Lasst Uns Erfreuen
Praise God all creatures here below; Alleluia, alleluia! Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
* Prayer of Thanksgiving
One: God we are made glad by the good news of your love for us and for all:
All: No exceptions!
One: We thank you for people and work more important than our differences and worthy of Christ’s healing hand.
All: We want to follow boldly!
One: Bless now these gifts, those given and increased, those made from abundance and those made of sacrifice; bless each gift and giver that this church community might rise to the holy needs around us, and proclaim a risen grace in the midst of all who seek the God of love.
All: Receive our gifts, our lives, our joy and service that we may all be one, seeking you together in Christ’s name.
Walking Forward in Faith
* Hymn #388 Black Help Us Accept Each Other Aurelia
* Benediction & Sending Forth
* Postlude
* All are invited to rise or rise in spirit as you are able an
Especially in our prayers …
Each week we join millions of Christians who pray for one another through the ecumenical prayer cycle and, locally, the Berea Ministerial Association’s prayer cycle. Let us hold the people Eritrea and Ethiopia and our brothers and sisters at Lighthouse Baptist Church in your hearts, and pray for them. Please also hold these concerns in your prayers today and throughout the week.
* Those in harm’s way in the service of our country.
* Nancy Stopenhagen, Sarah Stopenhagen Broomfield’s mother, on hospice care in Cincinnati
* Maurice Hibbard, recovering from knee replacement.
* Toby Wilcher, recovering at home.
* Anne Thomasson, having some health problems.
* Dorothy Chao, recovering well from breast cancer surgery in Tucson.
* Joan Moore, happily recuperating at home!
* Paul Wells, recovering from heart surgery at home.
* Whitney Louise Wellinghurst, who was born at 25 weeks on December 8, weighing 1 pound, 7 ounces, now weighs over 7 pounds! Whitney is now at home! Please hold the family in prayer as Whitney faces some serious health challenges.
* Abi Dietz, who is now in rehab in Philadelphia. Cards may be sent care of her mom, Georgina Bard, 403 Edge Hill Rd., Glenside, PA, 19038. Abi is showing some small signs of improvement!!
* Edith Hansen, at The Terrace.
* Shirley Dean, on hospice care for lung cancer.
* Ruth Wesley, at The Terrace.
Assisting in Worship
Worship Leader today is Cole Warren. Next week: Silas House
Today—1-4 pm Celebration Picnic! Rev. Kent’s House, 298 Harrison Rd (Next to Quaker Meeting House) Grilled hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers provided
What Can We Bring?
* Bring side dishes to accompany the burgers!
* Bring chairs or blankets!
* Help the Environment: Bring your own table service!
* Bring Games to Play!
* Bring friends!
And A CAKE WALK! Live MUSIC! Fabulous DESSERTS! GAMES! (If it rains, we’ll be at the Meeting House)
Congregational Meeting May 15. As a congregation, we adopted a Provisional 2013 Budget at the December 12, 2012, Congregational Meeting with the understanding that it would be revisited in May, 2013. That meeting has been set for May 15, 2013, after WNL supper. At this meeting we will also review the Constitutional changes that have been proposed and circulated, and vote upon their adoption. Copies of the Budget (provisional as presented in December and updated) and Constitution (old versions and updated) are available in the office, by email, and on the church website.
Union Church is a place where your faith can grow and deepen. We are actively looking for those who would like to explore discipleship with Jesus in this congregation. If you’d like to formally join Union Church, please call the office or either pastor. YOU are welcome here!
You Matter! Please sign in on the Pew folders which will be passed in your row, with the last person taking out the sheet and placing it in the offering plate. Thank you.
We are an artistic bunch! More than a dozen church members are represented in the “Community and Young at Art Show” that has been hung at the Berea Arts Council on Main Street. One member is a sponsor for the exhibition that will remain up until May 11.
Save the Date! Vacation Bible School will be June 2-5th, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm, with supper included. The Faith Development Board would like to offer classes and learning experiences for adults as well as children during this time. If you have something you’ve been hankering to lead for a night (or four nights), please contact Rev. Rachel.
Tuesday Coffee, Bagels, and Church Fixes: Come One Come All… Tuesday 8:30-Noon – Come join for whatever time you can in fellowship and helping with minor repairs, etc. There will be job opportunities for people of all skill levels.
Youth Working to Earn Money for Church Camp…They Can Help! Need to get into your attic? Need some spring cleaning? Having problems understanding your new phone? Need someone to get your flowerbed ready for the Spring? A youth can do it! In the upcoming months the youth will be working hard to raise money for their trip to Passport Choices in Wyngate, NC. If you need assistance with any task, no matter how big or small, call Chris (678-982-1731) or Grace Mckenzie (205-451-7444). Be ready to estimate the number of youth you will need, what supplies you have and if you need us to bring any, and how long the project will take.
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