Please note that Union Church services are livestreamed & recorded.
Berea Leadership Experience – Partner with Us!
Forming leaders who can successfully navigate the kinds of everyday conflicts we all experience.
In 2016, friends of Berea College professor Michelle Tooley gathered to envision a way to honor her life of commitment to peace and justice. They developed a day camp for local children that would give them practical tools for channeling inner peace and engaging in nonviolent problem solving.
A gift of $60 sponsors a camper for the week. Donations are processed through our partner, Union Church. Give here BLE Donation or via check to Union Church, 200 Prospect Street, Berea, KY 40403, with BLE in the memo line.
Rina’s Recital is tomorrow!! Rina Tanaka will play a recital to benefit Stephen Foster Music Camp on Monday, April 17 at 7:00 pm, Gifford Theater, in the Campbell Building on EKU’s campus.
Small Groups at Union Church!
It is clear in the New Testament that small groups were critical to the fellowship, communal life, and discipling of followers of Jesus.
Union Church, Berea, KY, offers several opportunities for visitors, new members, friends, and members to get involved in a small group of interest to them. Some of these groups are based on reading books, some on studying scripture through the Lectionary, some on social justice, life issues, new member groups, in-the-news discussion groups, or groups built around hiking, walking, lunches, music, dinners, etc. which often also include discussions of recent sermons and/or worship experiences. If there is a group you would like to offer up to host/facilitate, you may contact our Program Coordinator Check out the current offerings below & at our website:
· Wednesday Coffee Hour w/ Rev. Kent (Zoom)
· Choir
· Orchestra
· Handbell Ensemble
· Womens Spirituality Reading Group (Zoom)
· Old Time Music Jam
· Hiking Group
· Bible Study (Zoom)
· Bridge Club
· Psalm Study

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