
When it comes to baptism, as in all other things, Union Church members are diverse. It’s in our DNA–not only do we believe in being faithful to our own faith traditions and beliefs, but our founder, Rev. John G. Fee, was of two minds about baptism at two different periods of his life. Early on, when he founded Church of Christ, Union, now called Union Church, he allowed sprinkling and infant baptism. Later in his life, he became convinced by his Bible study that baptism should come after a believer could make their own choice, and should be done by immersion only. He was so convinced of this that he founded our sister church, First Christian Church, which still practices baptism by immersion, (though members are accepted from any baptism background).
Today, Union Church members can choose from several options:
- Many parents have their babies baptized by sprinkling or pouring.
- Some adults and older children who choose to be baptized also choose sprinkling or pouring.
- Those who wish to experience immersion can be baptized outdoors in a lake, river, or stream.
- For those who wish to be immersed, but not outdoors, we have an agreement with our sister church to borrow their baptistry.
- We will also dedicate your baby or child if you wish to allow them to make their own decision about baptism later.
Here’s what matters to us: Love demands consecration. Baptism is just one of the many sacraments through which we can show outward signs of our inner consecration and convictions. If you wish to be baptized or to have your child baptized, call the church at 859-986-3725 to schedule the necessary conversation with the pastor. In the meantime, here is some information you can consider in advance.

- You need not be a member here, but it’s important to understand that baptism is not a solitary act, but a sacrament of community. In our baptisms, the attendees make vows to be a part of the life of the newly consecrated person, and to support them in their walk of love, so we hope for and expect continuing connection.
- Baptisms usually happen within or just after a regular Sunday service, and the newly consecrated ones are introduced to the congregation. Babies are carried throughout the sanctuary for the blessings of all. However, as the congregation grows, it may become more necessary for baptisms to happen at times outside of the usual service. You and the pastor will determine the details and necessities for your situation.
- Godparents are not required, but are welcome; we are delighted to affirm and bless the ongoing supporters in your life in whatever way you choose.
What to Expect
Baptism services are not long, but they generally consist of:
- Introduction of the person or persons,
- A covenant of promises made to and from the one to be consecrated,
- Blessings offered (including personal blessings from parents or others, as planned for in your conversation with the pastor), and
- Water as the symbol of new life.
Baptism is about relationship with God, with Christ, and with the wider family of the Creator. We at Union Church Berea are thrilled to be part of that journey!