You Are Welcome Here!

Union Church Berea was founded on an inclusive Christian tradition. Founding pastor, Rev. John Fee called it “God’s impartial love” that the congregation then and now holds with a powerful emphasis on the dignity and worth of all people. Fee and that first generation of founders upheld those principles with their lives, facing constant opposition and, frequently, even physical persecution. Today, we uphold it with a living practice of listening, welcoming, engaging, and responding to God’s world as love demands.
“Union Church welcomes all followers of Christ and works with all who work with Him; respecting each person’s conscience; working by love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.”
Union Church’s Fellowship Principles, 1853
Amen! Yes, we do. That’s because we believe love demands it. God created everyone, Jesus served all, and the Spirit is willing to inspire and fill all those who seek. Jesus literally used the words: “Whoever comes to me, I will never drive away” (John 6:37, emphasis added).
We believe love still demands this kind of impartial inclusion; therefore, the congregation values and embraces diversity. We do not all think alike. We do not all approach theology, service, or scripture in the same way, but we value the gifts of each contributor.
Is Union Church for everyone? Probably not. It may not be the place where Love’s demands call most to you. Like every house of worship we have traditions, practices and people who may or may not be the right fit. But you will still and always find a welcome here, with encouragement for finding the right path.
On the other hand, this might be the place and community where you can grow deeper and closer with God. You are cordially invited to decide for yourself.
And we try to put our words into practice in every aspect of our corporate life. Employment, membership, and participation in any church activity is open to all without regard to ethnicity, race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or religious tradition. Employment decisions are based on training, education and experience related to the requirements of each position. Due to the age and construction of the buildings, not all areas are easily accessible to persons with mobility issues. Union Church provides all accommodation we can to qualified individuals with disabilities within these limitations whenever we are seeking to hire.
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A story: A person who had just moved to Berea asked about churches. The person responding listed many of the large number of thriving denominations and congregations here. “What about Union Church?” the newcomer asked. “Oh,” came the reply. “Union Church! They’ll take anybody!”