If you provide care for someone who lives at least an hour away, you are a long distance caregiver. This type of caregiving can present an array of challenges that may include recognizing when a person needs extra help, and knowing what kind of care is available and where to find it. Learn from… Read more.
what's happening
Long Night Service of Light & Prayers for Healing, Dec. 21, 7:00 pm, Cowan Chapel
On the longest night of the year, we gather to remember that not everything about the season feels merry and bright. This special service is for anyone experiencing a sense of loss. It is for those wishing to offer prayers for those around them suffering depression, loss of health, or a death of someone close…. Read more.
December 15, 2019, Third Sunday of Advent, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Third Sunday of Advent December 15, 2019 10:30 am Meditation Tripping Over Joy What is the difference between your experience of Existence and that of a saint? The saint knows that the spiritual path is a sublime chess game with God… Read more.
Keep Berea Clean: Make Eco Bricks!
Research Survey re: Housing Insecurity in Sexual & Gender Minorities in Kentucky – Can You help?
My name is Jasmine Routon and I am a doctoral candidate at The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I am from Kentucky and hope that my dissertation will give back to my community. I am emailing in hopes of recruiting sexual and gender minorities living in Kentucky for my research. My research focuses on housing… Read more.
Report of Dec. 8 Budget Meeting
At Sunday’s budget meeting, after opening with prayer and establishing a quorum, the congregation took up the discussion of the 2020 Budget. As presented, the budget showed a significant shortfall of $91,000 but a generous anonymous donor cut that in half with a donation of $45,500. The Church Council made significant cuts to several line… Read more.
Photos from Worship, Second Sunday of Advent: Hope, by Rachael White
“An American Christmas” will be presented by the 30-voice Berea Classic Chorale on Sunday, December 15 at 2:30 pm in the sanctuary The program, comprised of music by American composers, will feature “Gloria” by Randol Alan Bass. Colonial American music will be represented by works of William Billings. Carol arrangements by Alfred Burt, Hal Hopson,… Read more.