Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Epiphany Sunday January 5, 2020 10:30 am Meditation There are vows that only you will know; the secret promises for your particular path and the new ones you will need to make when the road is revealed by turns… Read more.
what's happening
Passing of John Capillo, Service January 11, 10 am
It is with heartfelt sadness that we announce the passing of John Capillo. John’s memorial service will be Saturday, January 11, at 10:00 am, at Union Church. Attenders are invite to a reception afterwards in the Community Room. Visitation will take place on Friday, January 10, from 3-5 pm and 6-8 pm in Union Church’s… Read more.
Christmas Eve at Union Church. Photos by Rachael White
Sunday Announcements
Thank you for your generous Christmas Eve donations! $2748.59 was collected to help Berea Faith Community Outreach (BFCO) with its good work! In January, our first Wednesday-of-the-Month Potluck will be on January 8, since the 1st is New Year’s Day. See you then! Union Church’s Annual Meeting will be March 15, 2020. Board chairs, please… Read more.
Prayer in Action: Helping the Most Vulnerable Among Us: CASA of Madison County & Immigrant Families Together
Protecting the most vulnerable among us, Immigrant Families Together is a foundation dedicated to reuniting and supporting immigrant families separated at the US/Mexico border; and supporting border partners with critical needs. They provide the best possible chance of asylum by providing – on an as need basis – bond payment, legal and medical services, housing… Read more.
Sunday's Call by Ted Loder
O God of fire and freedom, deliver me from my bondage to what can be counted and go with me in a new exodus toward what counts, but can only be measured in bread shared and swords become plowshares; in bodies healed and minds liberated; in songs sung and justice done; in laughter in the… Read more.
Sunday, December 29, 2019, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union First Sunday of Christmas December 29, 2019 10:30 am From there to here: we Gather Welcome & Announcements Welcome to this service of worship! During the service, you are invited to rise in body or in spirit, standing or… Read more.
Christmas Eve at Union Church
Christmas Eve at Union Church December 24, 2019 Rev. Kent Gilbert, Pastor Pearl Marshall, Handbell Director Dr. Bernardo Scarambone, Director of Music Iris Bailey, Opal Bailey, Kim Kobersmith, & Paul Smithson, Readers Sounds of the Season Prelude: 5pm Prepare the Royal Highway (arr. C. Moklebust) Union Church Handbell Ensemble, Kim… Read more.