Oscar Romero, in the quote below, speaks of each follower as a prophet. How can you be God’s microphone? Not feeling it? Then what is your role? How do you live out the connection to Jesus life and ministry? The Call Each one of you has to be God’s microphone. Each one of you has… Read more.
what's happening
Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol. Tomorrow, Jan. 14 – Criminal Justice Reform
The Kentucky Council of Churches is hosting Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol during this year’s General Assembly to pray for government officials and act on behalf of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. “We will pray for our governor and legislators and call them to a higher moral agenda that puts the well-being of Kentucky’s people… Read more.
Welcome to our newest member, Deborah Thompson, who joined officially on Sunday, but has long been a part of the Union Church family!! Can you set up for Coffee Hour after worship? It’s a joy to gather and reflect on the service, catch up with friends and visit BUT – we need someone to help… Read more.
January 12, 2020, Worship Bulletin , Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2020 10:30 am Meditation “To be baptized, to be initiated into this way of love, is to be given our true name, Beloved of God. Challenges can no longer defeat us, not because we… Read more.
What's Up this Weekend?! Wassail Saturday and Concert Sunday!
Howard and Shirley Carlberg invite you to two events this weekend. Saturday: Wassail, wassail all over the town – literally! Wassailing, for us, is a visiting tradition, like caroling. We meander door to door, singing our song and hoping to be invited in for a dram. However, we minimize the possibility of singing to an… Read more.
Kentucky Council of Churches to Host Prayer in Action Days at the Capitol
The Kentucky Council of Churches is hosting Prayer in Action Days at the State Capitol during this year’s General Assembly to pray for government officials and act on behalf of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. The kick-off event will begin at 11 a.m. Tuesday, January 7th, in the Capitol Rotunda. Subsequent gatherings will begin at 9:30 a.m. “We will… Read more.
For Those Who Have Far to Travel, An Epiphany Blessing by Jan Richardson
The Call If you could see the journey whole you might never undertake it; might never dare the first step that propels you from the place you have known toward the place you know not. Call it one of the mercies of the road: that we see it only by stages as it opens… Read more.
Bulletin Announcements
Can you set up for Coffee Hour after worship? It’s a joy to gather and reflect on the service, catch up with friends and visit BUT – we need someone to help with that by setting up treats (which the church will purchase) and making coffee (we’ll show you how). Sign up at the website—union-church.org,… Read more.