Today as we remember the struggle for a better society and a true, compassionate democracy, and as we are confronted with the reality that we have not yet made our country or our souls as great as they can be, we remember the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr who said “It is not… Read more.
what's happening
January 17, 2016 Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, and Announcements
A Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Second Sunday after Epiphany January 17, 2016, 10:30 am Meditation Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. —Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. From there to here Welcome & Announcements Prelude Great Is… Read more.
Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
Meditation But we, little fishes, after the example of our ΙΧΘΥΣ Jesus Christ, are born in the flood, nor have we safety in any other way than by abiding permanently in water. —Tertullian 3rd Century From there to here Welcome & Announcements Welcome to… Read more.
Aidan Broadbridge Workshop and Concert, January 16th!
Aidan Broadbridge, internationally known Scottish fiddler, will lead an evening of both classical violin and traditional tunes on January 16th at 7:30pm in Cowan Chapel at Union Church, Berea. Concert Tickets are $10 ($5 for Child/Student) Well known and in demand as a dance musician, Aidan was selected to be the fiddler in the recent… Read more.
January 3, 2016, Epiphany, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns and Announcements
Epiphany Sunday January 3, 2016, 10:30 am Meditation The stars are constantly shining, but often we do not see them until the dark hours. —Earl Riney FROM THERE TO HERE Welcome & Announcements Welcome to this service of worship. We’re glad that you are here today. You are invited to rise in… Read more.
January 2016 Newsletter
Christmas Eve at Union Church, 5:30 pm
Gathering Music Il Est Né, arr. D. Bish Gabriel Evans How Great Our Joy, arr. Bill Ingram Union Church Handbell Ensemble Wexford Carol, trad. The White Family I Wonder As I Wander, arr. Cathy Moklebust Union Church Handbell Ensemble Masters In This Hall, arr. M. Hayes Gabriel Evans… Read more.
Prayer for the Week: December 20, 2015
As we light the 4th candle in the Advent wreath, we remember Love. Today in worship we remembered the strong and courageous love of Mary, who far from being passive and submissive, understood that by this birth God was taking bold action to lift the poor and strengthen the weak. Mary’s song recorded in the… Read more.