Easter is a wonderful service and it takes a little extra prep! We need as many as can come to help get ready on Saturday morning, April 15, and we need 5 extra ushers to help seat guests and take-up the offering on Easter Sunday Morning, April 16. Experience is welcome, but not necessary! Can… Read more.
what's happening
"Most Moving Service of the Year" Thurs, Apr 13, 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday is a moving candlelit service reading the passion story (this year from Matthew) and celebrating the last supper. “Maundy” comes from the Latin “mandatum novum” meaning “I give you a new commandment”, the commandment to “love one another” from the Gospel of John. During this service read through the story and share a… Read more.
Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Palm Sunday April 9, 2017 10:30 am Meditation But everyone who lined the streets had a different reason for waving those palms. Some were political activists; they’d heard Jesus had supernatural power, and they wanted him to use it to free Israel… Read more.
Wanted: Readers for Maundy Thursday Service, April 13
Maundy Thursday is a moving service of music and reading the story (this year from Matthew) of Jesus last days leading to the crucifixion. To share the story we need up to 10 readers who would be willing to read passages of scripture interspersed with the choir and instrumental pieces. There will be… Read more.
April 2, 2017, Worship Bulletin, Prayer Concerns, Announcements
Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Fifth Sunday of Lent April 2, 2017 10:30 am Meditation “Change and decay—in all I see,” we cheerfully sang in my days as a choirboy. Another stanza should have taught us this lesson: it is not only beauty and life that disappear… Read more.
Union Church's April Newsletter, Consider…. Inside this Issue:
Union Church Begins Stephen Ministry Union Church’s Got Talent! Holy Week at Union Church: Palm Sunday – Easter Sunday Order Easter Lilies From the Pastor Grace Gatherers Musical Notes from Gabe Evans Ministry that Matters April Birthdays & Anniversaries News of the Family Links to Annual Report, Revised 2017 Budget
Grace Gatherers
Are you someone who is often excited when you learn about the ministries going on at Union Church? Do you find yourself sharing the wonderful things going on around here? If so, we are looking for a few folks to keep track of these stories. At our staff meetings we often talk about what we… Read more.
Union Church's Got Talent!!
Beloved Congregation, The Union Church Youth Group along with the Faith Development Board will be hosting “Union Church’s Got Talent”, a church wide talent show on Friday, May 5th. The show will take place in the community room at Union Church starting at 7pm. Admission will be open to all church and community members with a… Read more.