Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union Pentecost June 4, 2017 10:30 am Meditation “The church exists by mission, just as the fire exists by burning. Where there is no mission, there is no church; where there is neither Church nor mission, there is no faith…. Read more.
what's happening
Union Church's June Newsletter, Consider….
In this issue: click on the title to go right to the article. Pentecost is June 4 – Wear Red to Church! June 4 Lunch after Worship – Fundraiser for El Roble School! Berea Leadership Experience – still spaces open, but they’re gong fast! Meet Our Stephen Leader Team Leaves Before the Wind: Pentecost Begins… Read more.
Youth Group Talent Show Photos by Deborah Payne & Choirs of the Church Sunday by Rachael White
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June Birthdays & Anniversaries
Birthdays! 1 Reid Livingston 2 Jane Mecham 4 Eef Fontanez 4 Tina Parker 4 Rhonda Edwards 5 Charles Wesley 6 Mim Pride 6 Deborah Payne 6 Luke Woodie 7 Andy Blyth 12 Nancy Hindman 12 Patti Smithson 14 Teresa Gowler 15 Kelly Madden 16 Michael… Read more.
News of the Family
Dr. John V. Payne of Berea, Kentucky, and Rev. Cheryl M. Caruso of Knoxville, TN invite the Union Church family to our wedding, June eleventh at two o’clock in the afternoon, at Broad Street United Methodist Church, 155 Central Avenue, NW, Cleveland, TN 37311. We honor the memory of our late spouses, Marlene Payne and… Read more.
Godspell at Union Church
All Things Loud & Musical
From the Director of Music Ministries: Thank you to all for another wonderful year of beautiful music. I thank those who participate in our music ministry, and I thank all those who support it. In our annual report that was presented in March, I spoke of the desperate need of new robes for our music… Read more.
Leaves Before the Wind: Pentecost Begins
Pentecost is the day 50 days after the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb, and the day that scripture recounts that the disciples heard a mighty rushing wind and saw something like flames dancing between them on upon their heads. In the midst of this they found their words being blown about like leaves, and they… Read more.