Gathering in Worship Offered by the People of the Church of Christ, Union and First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost World Communion Sunday October 1, 2017 10:30 am Meditation For the whole Church which is throughout the whole world possesses one and the same God. —St. Irenaeus From there… Read more.
what's happening
World Communion Sunday Worship Service with First Christian Church, October 1
October 1 is World Communion Sunday! Each year churches around the world celebrate World Communion Sunday as a deliberate way to recognize God’s work in all its many forms. Union Church and First Christian Church have a long tradition of celebrating our unique common heritage (both churches were founded by Rev. John G. Fee) by… Read more.
Stephen Ministers at Halfway Point with Training Sessions
With the completion of a week-end “retreat” during which we covered six of the Stephen Ministry Care-giving Training Modules, our Stephen Ministers have reached the half-way point. We are very pleased to report that all eight are still enthusiastic! Our weekly sessions will continue through November. Below are several comments from our group. -Betty Hibler, for the… Read more.
October Newsletter, Consider….
World Communion Sunday Worship Service with First Christian Church, October 1 Here We Stand: Called to Life From the Pastor Stephen Ministers at Halfway Point with Training Sessions October Musical Notes October News of the Family, Medicare & Health Insurance Info Session, KFTC Halloween Spectacular, Birthdays & Anniversaries Celebration of Traditional Music October 26-29 Kentucky… Read more.
Celebrating 5 Years of Ministry with Rev. Rachel
Bring Hope to Hurricane Victims through Church World Service
In the wake of two devastating hurricanes, CWS’ Domestic Disaster Program has been activated to reach out to vulnerable communities. It is because of supporters like you that we can connect more people to the supplies, information and other resources they need to recover. That’s why we feel it’s so important to keep you in… Read more.
Kentucky Council of Churches Annual Assembly October 19 & 20 in Louisville, KY, all welcome!
Topics to be discussed include: Members of Kentucky Council of Churches’ Creation Care committee will discuss “Environmental Privilege.” Dr. Charisse Gillette, president of Lexington Theological Seminary, will lead the workshop “Working to Remove Systemic Privilege.” A workshop discussing our 2018 theme “A House Divided” will be led by representatives from the Kentucky Rural-Urban Exchange. They… Read more.
Celebration of Traditional Music October 26-29
Thursday October 26 Start this year’s Celebration of Traditional Music by attending In These Fields: A Folk Opera written by Silas House and Sam Gleaves. 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM – Union Church A play exploring the importance of food in Appalachian history and culture, covering 175 years in the American South. The monologues are written… Read more.